Accordance Textbooks Over the past couple of summers, I’ve posted installments in a series of strategies students can use to fully engage their studies using Accordance Bible Software. The idea for this series originated with an Accordance presentation I gave at a seminary in which I was given an hour and a half to show students how Accordance could help them in their studies. Knowing that there was no way I could cover everything Accordance does in that short amount of time, I came up with the “Seven Strategies for Students” list as my outline.

Now that the posts are completed on the Accordance Blog, we will also be turning this series into a webinar, which means I’ll have to get all this down to an hour-long presentation! The first Seven Strategies for Students webinar will take place on October 5. Feel free to sign up now.

Of course, students can use Accordance for a lot more than these seven topics, so I’m sure we will add to this list over time. For right now, though, here’s the complete list of Seven Strategies linked in one place so that you don’t have to search all over our website. I like to think of it as a “Complete Boxed Set”–at least for now!

#1 Take Class Notes in Accordance

#2 Use Accordance Editions of Textbooks

#3 Export Citations from Accordance

#4 Use Accordance for Biblical Language Classes

#5 Use the INFER Command for Original/Independent Research

#6 Do-It-Yourself Textual Criticism

#7 Save Specialized Workspaces