We are thrilled to present fifteen (15) completely new releases in time for the Annual Meetings of the ETS and AAR/SBL.
The Text-Critical Use of the Septuagint in Biblical Research (3rd Edition) (Tov) This handbook provides a practical guide for the student and scholar alike who wishes to use the Septuagint (LXX) in the text-critical analysis of the Hebrew Bible. Rather than offering another theoretical introduction to the LXX, it provides all the practical background information needed for the integration of the LXX in biblical studies. The third edition has been thoroughly revised to incorporate the most recent scholarship. |
Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament (3 Volumes) (EDNT) The English translation of the three-volume Exegetisches Wörterbuch zum Neuen Testament, the EDNT goes beyond merely defining NT Greek words to discuss their historical, theological, and exegetical significance. It stands in the tradition of the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (TDNT), but advances the discussion in light of more recent scholarship. Designed for the pastor and student as well as the scholar, it includes an index of English key words which points to corresponding Greek entries. |
UBS5 Greek New Testament (Tagged) with Apparatus The UBS 5th Revised Edition updates the UBS4 with new textual readings and a revision of the apparatus, which is intended especially for students and translators.
UBS5-T add to GNT28-T or NA28-T
UBS5-T upgrade from UBS4-T
Greek Bible: Old Testament (Septuagint) and New Testament The Greek Bible is a combination of two early critical texts of the LXX and the Greek New Testament, Swete’s LXX and Westcott/Hort’s New Testament in the Original Greek, combined into one continuously searchable “Greek Bible” module. The apparatus for Swete is not included. |
Reading Koine Greek (Rodney Decker) This introductory grammar of Koine Greek covers not only the Greek of the New Testament but also that of the Septuagint, Apostolic Fathers, and more. Informed by his 25 years of classroom teaching, Decker emphasizes reading Greek for comprehension as opposed to merely translating it. The workbook is integrated into the textbook, enabling students to encounter real examples as they learn each new concept, and the Accordance edition includes audio pronunciations of reading passages and vocabulary words. |
User’s Guide to NA28 This guide to the 28th edition of the Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament explains its structure, the text-critical apparatus and appendices, and the innovations of the new edition. Designed for beginning students as well as scholars, it includes exercises for use in self-study and classroom instruction. |
Prepositions and Theology in the GNT This study explores how prepositions contribute to the theological meaning of Greek New Testament passages. It explains each preposition’s basic meaning, relationship to other prepositions, important New Testament uses, and even its use in verbal compounds. The many New Testament examples include helpful commentary on how to interpret the prepositions in those passages. |
Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible (3rd Edition) (Tov) Since its initial publication, Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible has established itself as the indispensable authoritative textbook and reference on the subject. In this thoroughly revised third edition, Emanuel Tov has incorporated the insights of the last ten years of scholarship, including new perspectives on the biblical texts among the Dead Sea Scrolls. Designed with the beginning student of textual criticism in mind, it includes expanded discussions of the contribution of textual criticism to biblical exegesis. |
Greek Judean Corpus (Tagged) Comprises all the Greek documents that have been discovered in the Judean Desert that are not related to the Qumran find or the Bible. In the main these are documentary texts: Loans, Deeds of Sale, various Accountings, Marriage Contracts, Writs of Divorce, Deposits, Petitions, Summons, Crop Purchases, Letters, and a few Literary Texts. They mostly date to the time of the first and second Jewish Revolt. These documents might be thought of as the personal files and papers of the Jews who were hiding from the Roman authorities. |
Dictionary of Qumran Aramaic (Cook) Written by a noted specialist in Qumran Aramaic, this dictionary covers all the Aramaic texts from the 11 Qumran caves—an important “missing link” between Biblical Aramaic and the later Aramaic of the targums. An indispensable resource to anyone interested in the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Dictionary of Qumran Aramaic offers a wealth of detail, including definitions, extensive citations of the sources, discussions of difficult passages, revised readings, and a bibliography. |
Ugaritic (Tagged) (prototype) **Note: This product is in the final stages of development and will be released within the next few weeks. An ongoing project of the tagged transliterated Ugaritic corpus, it will eventually include the entire corpus with Notes, Apparatus, and English translation. The initial release in December 2015 is a prototype module consisting only of the Ba’lu Myth. Further free updates will add more texts until the database is completed over a few years.
Ugaritic Bundle Contains the newly released Tagged Ugaritic along with the Ugaritic Data Bank.
Ugaritic Bundle upgrade from Ugaritic Data Bank (adds tagged Ugaritic) |
Ethiopic (Ge’ez) Untagged OT This version of the Ge’ez (Ethiopic) Bible currently includes Genesis-Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, and Psalms. It is based on Ran HaCohen’s digitization of Biblia Veteris Testament Aethiopica, edited by Augustus Dilllmann, et. al. We expect, with the cooperation of the Textual History of the Ethiopic Old Testament (THEOT) Project, to eventually be able to offer additional Old Testament books, as well as additional books in Ethiopia’s larger canon. |
The SBL Handbook of Style (2nd Edition) The SBL Handbook of Style is the essential style manual for writing and publishing in biblical studies and related fields. This long-awaited second edition includes key style changes, updated and expanded abbreviation and spelling-sample lists, a list of archaeological site names, material on qur’anic sources, detailed information on citing electronic sources, and expanded guidelines for the transliteration and transcription of seventeen ancient languages. |
Kingdom of Priests (2nd Edition) (Merrill) This comprehensive history of Old Testament Israel, written from a conservative evangelical point of view, has been a standard textbook in college/seminary classes for more than two decades. It is also the source used for the “Conservative” OT dates of the Accordance Timeline. Merrill reconstructs the history of ancient Israel not only from Old Testament texts but also from Ancient Near Eastern literary and archaeological sources. The second edition has been updated and revised to interact with recent discoveries and current scholarship. |
Virtual Tour to the Temple The Virtual Tour to the Temple is a wonderful blend of two types of visual media. First is an interactive 360° tour of the Jerusalem Temple based on 100 high-resolution panoramic photos. The second is 40 short video clips of Dr. Randall Price explaining the historic meaning of each site at the site itself. Accordance has added text and links to each video. See promo video here. ** Note: This resource will eventually be available in additional languages: German, Spanish, and Portuguese. Each version will be sold separately, but the user can request additional versions at no extra charge. |