
Feasting on the Word Series (34 Volumes): Commentaries, Devotionals, Aids, and More

Prod ID: Feasting on the Word_34 / Pub. Westminster John Knox Press
Retail: $937.60 / Accordance: $699.00 / Sale Price: $269.00

Requires Accordance 11.2 or above.

For even more information, see this release announcement of some of the below products.

Feasting on the Word Commentary (12 Volumes):

The Feasting on the Word (FotW) series aids clergy in developing and preparing sermons throughout the year in conjunction with the Revised Common Lectionary. Each lectionary year consists of four volumes, one for the Advent and Christmas season, one for Lent and Easter, and one for each half of Ordinary Time. While the twelve volumes of the series follow the pattern of the Revised Common Lectionary, each volume contains an index of biblical passages so that non-lectionary preachers may make use of its contents.

The commentaries provide four essays for each of the assigned RCL passages, and through those essays highlight issues in exegesis, theology, homiletics, and pastoral care as they apply to and are derived from the text.

This commentary contains Years A, B, and C which are each covered in the following 4 volumes:

  • Advent through Transfiguration: The Advent & Christmas Season (1 Vol.)
  • Lent through Eastertide (1 Vol.)
  • Pentecost and Season after Pentecost 1 (Propers 3-16): Ordinary Time, Part 1 (1 Vol.)
  • Season after Pentecost 2 (Propers 17 – Reign of Christ): Ordinary Time, Part 2 (1 Vol.)

These commentaries also contain a separate bonus module (Feasting-Readings) created by Accordance to use as a companion for this commentary. It provides a comprehensive listing of all readings from the entire 12-volume set plus hyperlinks to quickly jump to that section and reading from the commentary (if owned). This exclusive Feasting-Readings module requires Accordance 11.2 or above in order to take advantage of the new Liturgical Daily Reading support.

Feasting on the Gospels (7 Volumes):

FotW has been so well-loved by pastors and non-pastors alike, the publishers commissioned a series in the same format (four perspectives on each passage) for all four Gospels titled Feasting on the Gospels. This results in the same kind of commentary as the standard FotW but also incorporates the Gospel passages that aren’t included in the lectionary reading cycle.

Feasting on the Word Advent Companion:

Provides an alternative to strict lectionary use for Advent, with six thematically-designed services for the four Sundays in Advent as well as Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Four midweek services provide a supplemental study of John the Baptist to enhance the congregation’s Advent experience.

Feasting on the Word Lenten Companion:

Serve as an all-in-one pastor’s companion for Lent and Holy Week, providing worship materials and sermon preparation tools for both lectionary and nonlectionary preachers.

Feasting on the Word Worship Companion (Years A, B, C) (6 Volumes):

Provides liturgical pieces used in preparing for worship, offering a multitude of poetic prayers and responsive readings for all parts of worship. In addition, the weekly entries include questions for reflection and household prayers for morning and evening that are drawn from the lectionary, allowing churches to include them in their bulletin for parishioners to use throughout the week.

Feasting on the Word Children’s Sermons (And Guide) (Years A, B, C) (4 Volumes):

Offers practical suggestions for preparing and delivering the children’s sermon. After explaining the purpose of the children’s sermon, noted Christian educator Carol Wehrheim provides a story for each Sunday of the church year based on the Revised Common Lectionary. Also included with this product is the Feasting on the Word Guide to Children’s Sermons which equips church leaders and children’s ministry volunteers to deliver children’s sermons that are free of gimmicks and simplistic conclusions, that welcome children into the family of faith, and that give a foundation in God’s good news for all people.

Daily Feast (3 Volumes):

A daily devotional with excerpts from the regular FotW series as well as new material. As a daily devotional, it allows clergy to reflect on the four readings throughout the week leading up to the coming Sunday.

Product Details

Included Modules

The following modules and groups are included when you purchase this package.

Category Code Title Price
CommentariesFeasting-Year AFeasting on the Word: Year A (4 Volumes)139.00
CommentariesFeasting-Year BFeasting on the Word: Year B (4 Volumes)139.00
CommentariesFeasting-Year CFeasting on the Word: Year C (4 Volumes)139.00
CommentariesFeasting-GospelsFeasting on the Gospels: Complete 7-volume Set87.60
Preaching HelpsFeasting-Children GuideFeasting on the Word Guide to Children's SermonsN/A
DevotionalsDaily FeastDaily Feast (3 Volumes)24.95
DevotionalsFeasting-AdventFeasting on the Word Advent Companion19.90
DevotionalsFeasting-Children SermonsFeasting on the Word Children’s Sermons (Years A-C) and Guide to Children’s Sermons29.26
DevotionalsFeasting-ReadingsReadings from Feasting on the WordN/A
DevotionalsFeasting-LentFeasting on the Word Lenten Companion8.95
DevotionalsFeasting-WorshipFeasting on the Word Worship Companion (Years A, B, C) (6 Volumes)55.60


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