Grammar of Palestinian Jewish Aramaic

Prod ID: Stevenson Aramaic / Author:
Price: $39.90

Originally published in 1924, this classic, concise but thorough grammar of the Aramaic of the Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan has been extensively revised by Dr. Edward Cook and will prove invaluable for the study of the Targums, the Talmud Yerushalmi, and Midrashim.  Organized by grammatical structure, this reference grammar is aimed at more advanced students who wish to dig into the Aramaic language.

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Grammar of Palestinian Jewish Aramaic is included with the following packages

Category Code Title Price
Primary CollectionsColl12-HebrewExpertHebrew Expert Collection (Accordance 12)1999.00
Primary CollectionsColl13-HebrewExpertHebrew Expert Collection2199
Primary CollectionsUASc9.0Unlock All Scholar’s Collection 9.0, for download3400.00
Primary CollectionsUASc9.1Unlock All Scholar’s Collection 9.13600.00
Primary CollectionsUASc9.5Unlock All Scholar’s Collection 9.53800.00
Hebrew add-on bundlesTargums_Add-onTargums add-on (Aramaic and English) with Stevensons Aramaic Grammar249.00
Hebrew add-on bundlesTargums Add-on_0420Targums Add-on (April 2020)179
Hebrew add-on bundlesHebrew Master 8.12 add-onHebrew Master, Complete Set to add to Original Languages or Essential1999.99
Hebrew add-on bundlesHebrew Master 11.12 add-oHebrew Master, Complete Set to add to Original Languages or Essential, Nov 20122199.99
Hebrew add-on bundlesHebrew Master 11.12 add-onHebrew Master, Complete Set to add to Original Languages or Essential, Nov 20122199.99
Hebrew add-on bundlesHebrew Master 11.13 add-onHebrew Master, Complete Set to add to Original Languages (v.13 or earlier) or Essential (v.13 or earlier), Nov 20132299.99
Hebrew add-on bundlesHebrew Master 01.14 add-onHebrew Master, Complete Set to add to Original Languages (v.14) or Essential (v.14), January 20142289.99
Hebrew add-on bundlesHebrew Master 11.14Hebrew Master, Complete Set of Hebrew Texts/Tools (November 2014)2699.00
Hebrew add-on bundlesHebrew Master 8.15Hebrew Master, Complete Set of Hebrew Texts/Tools (August 2015)2749.00
Hebrew add-on bundlesHebrew Master 11.15Hebrew Master, Complete Set of Hebrew Texts/Tools (November 2015)2999.00
Hebrew add-on bundlesHebrew Master 06.16Hebrew Master, Complete Set of Hebrew Texts/Tools (June 2016)3449.00


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