Gregory of Nyssa’s “Great Catechism” (English)

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The Cappadocian Fathers, also traditionally known as the Three Cappadocians, are Basil the Great, Basil’s younger brother, Gregory of Nyssa, and a close friend, Gregory of Nazianzus (or Gregory the Theologian). They were bishops in Cappadocia (now central Turkey) in the fourth century. They, along with Athanasius the Great, laid the pattern for formulating the doctrines related to the mystery of the Holy Trinity.

Gregory of Nyssa was a highly original thinker, drawing inspiration from the pagan Greek philosophical schools, as well as from the Jewish and Eastern Christian traditions, and formulating an original synthesis that was to influence later Byzantine, and possibly even modern, thought. The Great Catechism is the most systematic statement of Gregory’s philosophy of history.

This module is formatted to run in parallel with the tagged Greek text and is included in the purchase of that module.

Where to Find

Gregory of Nyssa’s “Great Catechism” (English) is included with the following packages

Category Code Title Price
Primary CollectionsColl12-GreekMaster1118Greek Master Collection (Accordance 12) (November 2018)3899.00
Primary CollectionsColl12-GreekMaster0319Greek Master Collection (Accordance 12) (February 2019)3925.00
Primary CollectionsColl13-GreekExpertGreek Expert Collection2199
Primary CollectionsColl12-GreekMaster1017Greek Master Collection (Accordance 12) (October 2017)3649.00
Primary CollectionsColl12-GreekMaster0518Greek Master Collection (Accordance 12) (May 2018)3699.00
English Non-Biblical TextGREGNYS-TGregory of Nyssa’s "Great Catechism" (Greek, Tagged with English and Notes)49.90
Greek add-on bundlesKoine Greek add-on_17Apocryphal and other Early Koine Greek Christian Writings (Koine Greek Add-on)419.00


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