Qur’an, The: A New Annotated Translation / December 31, 2012

Prod ID: QURAN-D / Pub. Equinox Publishing Limited
Retail: $135.00 / Accordance: $99.90

Note: While the minimum Accordance requirement for this product is 10.4, it is recommended users have a minimum of Accordance 12.2 in order to experience the full features of the accompanying Notes module of the QURAN-D translation.

This new edition of the Qur’an is specifically designed to meet the needs of students of religion, and provides them with a one-volume resource comparable to what is available for the Jewish and Christian scriptures. The meticulously crafted translation affords readers not only a better sense of what the Qur’an says, but how it says it, in a rendition that strives to remain faithful to the way it was originally expressed.

Accompanying the translation is an extensive set of annotations. These are keyed to the text for ready reference, and divided according to their topical headings. The annotations offer a wealth of linguistic and historical detail to enhance the understanding and appreciation of the text. They also contain abundant references to parallel passages within the Qur’an, as well as among the scriptures of Judaism and Christianity.

With an introduction, set of maps, timeline, guide to further reading, and comprehensive index, this is the edition of the Qur’an all students of religion beginning as well as advanced will want to possess for their exploration of Islam’s central text.

Product Details

Included Modules

The following modules and groups are included when you purchase this package.

Category Code Title Price
Accessory ModulesQURAN-D NotesQur’an Annotated English (Droge) NotesN/A

Where to Find

Qur’an, The: A New Annotated Translation is included with the following packages

Category Code Title Price
Primary CollectionsColl13-HebrewMaster1119Hebrew Master Collection (November 2019)4399
Primary CollectionsColl12-HebrewMaster1017Hebrew Master Collection (Accordance 12) (October 2017)3599.00
Primary CollectionsColl12-HebrewMaster1118Hebrew Master Collection (Accordance 12) (November 2018)3699.00
Primary CollectionsColl12-HebrewMaster0519Hebrew Master Collection (Accordance 12) (May 2019)3749.00
Semitic Study ToolsQURAN BundleQur’an Bundle159.00
Academic BundlesAB-RegentGreen_14Protected: Regent Academic Collection Green200.00
Academic BundlesAB-Green1_12Academic Bundle Green – Level 1 (Accordance 12)400.00


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