Webster’s 1913 Unabridged English Dictionary

Prod ID: Webster / Author:
Price: $19.90

The 1913 edition of Webster’s comprehensive dictionary of the English language. The dictionary’s 1913 edition of the 1900 International, renamed Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, has in modern times been used in various free online resources.

Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary
• Author: Noah Webster
• Editor: Noah Porter
• Publisher: C & G Merriam Co (1913)

Product Details

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Webster's 1913 Unabridged English Dictionary is included with the following packages

Category Code Title Price
UpgradesColl10-Essential Upg_13Version 9 Levels upgrades to Essential Collection499.99
UpgradesColl10-Essential Upg_14Version 9 Levels upgrades to Essential Collection499.99
UpgradesColl10-Essential UpgradesVersion 9 Levels upgrades to Essential Collection499.99
Primary CollectionsDev-Super_13Developing Countries Package – Super with Accordance 13199.00
Primary CollectionsLib6-PLibrary 6 Premier279.00
Primary Collections20-Pack English StudySite License Pack for up to 20 devices: English Study1000.00
Primary CollectionsLib7-PLibrary 7 CD-ROM Premier Level279.00
Primary CollectionsLib8-SLibrary 8 Standard Level199.00
Primary CollectionsUA-Lib5-2Unlock All Library 5 release 2N/A
Primary CollectionsUA-Lib5-3Unlock All Library 5 release 3N/A
Primary CollectionsUA-Lib5Unlock All Library 5N/A
Primary CollectionsLib9-SLibrary 9 Standard Level249.00
Primary CollectionsLib8-PLibrary 8 Premier Level299.00
Primary CollectionsLib5-SLibrary 5 Standard139.00
Primary CollectionsLib9-PLibrary 9 Premier Level349.00
Primary CollectionsDev-CoreDeveloping Countries Package – Core99.00
Primary CollectionsDev-Core_13Developing Countries Package – Core with Accordance 1399.00
Primary CollectionsMAS10-StarterCollection10-Starter (MacAppStore)49.99
Primary Collections20-Pack StarterSite License Pack for up to 20 devices: Starter Package300.00
Primary CollectionsGBS10-StarterStarter Collection (Accordance 10) (GBS Store)49.99
Primary CollectionsLib6-SLibrary 6 Standard179.00
Primary Collections20-Pack Greek & HebrewSite License Pack for up to 20 devices: Greek & Hebrew1000.00
Primary Collections20-pack Greek & Hebrew_14Site License Pack for up to 20 devices: Greek & Hebrew1000.00
Primary CollectionsMAS11-StarterStarter Collection (Accordance 11) (MacApp Store)59.90
Primary CollectionsLib5-PLibrary 5 Premier239.00
Primary CollectionsCollection10-StarterStarter Collection (Accordance 10)49.99
Primary CollectionsColl12-StarterBasic Starter Collection (Accordance 12)59.90
Primary CollectionsMAS12-StarterStarter Collection (Accordance 12) (MacApp Store)59.90
Primary CollectionsColl13-StarterFree Trial Upgrade (Basic Starter: Accordance 13)19.75
Primary CollectionsColl14-StarterBasic Starter (Accordance 14)49.90
Primary CollectionsPC-Coll10-OrigLanguageOriginal Languages Collection pre-installed for emulator on DVD299.99
Primary CollectionsPC-Coll10-OrigLang_13Original Languages Collection pre-installed for emulator on DVD299.99
Primary CollectionsLib7-SLibrary 7 CD-ROM Standard Level179.00
Primary CollectionsCollection11-StarterStarter Collection (Accordance 11)59.90
Primary CollectionsMAS13-StarterStarter Collection (Accordance 13) (MacApp Store)59.90
Primary CollectionsDev-SuperDeveloping Countries Package – Super199.00
Primary BundlesBW Crossover-Basic 6-7BibleWorks Crossover: Accordance 12 Package (For BibleWorks Versions 6-7) (June 2018)229.00
English StudiesUABibRef8Bible Reference 8.1 Unlock all1080.00
English StudiesUABibRef8.4Bible Reference 8.4 Unlock all1300.00
English StudiesUABibRef9.0Bible Reference Unlock all 9.0 Collection1500.00
English StudiesUABibRef9.5Bible Reference Unlock all 9.5 Collection1600.00
PC Primary LevelsPC-Coll10-Bible StudyBible Study Collection pre-installed for emulator on DVD199.99
PC Primary LevelsPC-Coll10-EssentialEssential Collection pre-installed for emulator on DVD499.99
PC Primary LevelsPC-Coll10-Essential_13Essential Collection pre-installed for emulator on DVD499.99
PC Primary LevelsPC-Lib9-PLibrary 9 Premier Level with disk for PC Emulator279.99
Uncategorizedtrial90starterFree 90 Day Trial for Basic Starter Collection0


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