Prices in this sale will be valid through 11:59 PM (Eastern) 1/27/25.

Hermeneia Commentary OT/NT Bundle (51 Volumes)

Upgrades Also on Sale (See Product Page for Details)

Regular Price: $929 | Sale Price $399 | Buy Now

Unique, authoritative, and indispensable, the Hermeneia series from Augsburg Fortress has in a generation produced many of the most influential and informative commentaries on the Bible in the English language.

Hermeneia NT Commentary Bundle (29 Volumes)

Upgrades Also on Sale (See Product Page for Details)

Regular Price: $589 | Sale Price $259 | Buy Now

This edition includes 29 New Testament published volumes. For convenience of use, the volumes are divided into 5 modules, which are all included in the price of the set. Modules included:

  • Hermeneia Q – Critical Edition of Q
  • New Testament Volumes
  • Hermeneia NT-21 – 21 New Testament volumes
  • Hermeneia NT2 – Parallel New Testament volumes
  • Hermeneia AF – Apostolic Fathers
  • Hermeneia AT – Apostolic Tradition

Hermeneia OT Commentary Bundle (22 Volumes)

Upgrades Also on Sale (See Product Page for Details)

Regular Price: $499 | Sale Price $219 | Buy Now

This edition includes 22 Old Testament published volumes, with a print value of over $1,400. For convenience of use, the volumes are divided into 3 modules, which are all included in the price of the set. Modules included:

  • Hermeniea2 PS – Pseudepigrapha
  • Old Testament Volumes
  • HermeneiaOT-19 – 19 Old Testament volumes
  • Hermeniea OT2 – Parallel Old Testament volume

Kregel Exegetical Library Old Testament (7 Volumes)

Regular Price: $299 | Sale Price $179 | Buy Now

Written by evangelical scholars, the Kregel Exegetical Library (KEL) benefits pastors and students while also contributing to the scholarly dialogue on each book of the Bible. The commentaries in this ongoing series provide careful, in-depth exegesis and homiletical guidance for each passage.

Kregel Exegetical Library New Testament (2 Volumes)

Regular Price: $61.98 | Sale Price $36.99 | Buy Now

New Testament volumes included in this module:

  • James by Aída Besançon Spencer (2020)
  • Romans by John D. Harvey (2019)

Handbooks for Old Testament Exegesis (6 Volumes)

Individual Volumes Also on Sale (See Product Page for Details)

Regular Price: $124 | Sale Price $74.90 | Buy Now

The Handbooks for Old Testament Exegesis series is designed to provide important background material for the interpretation of the Old Testament. The series provides a step-by-step approach that moves the reader from interpretation to communication. All explanations include examples in order to develop a students or pastors skills for accurate interpretation and convicting communication of God’s Word.

Handbooks for New Testament Exegesis (3 Volumes)

Individual Volumes Also on Sale (See Product Page for Details)

Regular Price: $69.90 | Sale Price $41.90 | Buy Now

The Handbooks for New Testament Exegesis series is designed to provide important background material for the interpretation of the New Testament. The series provides a step-by-step approach that moves the reader from interpretation to communication. All explanations include examples in order to develop a students or pastors skills for accurate interpretation and convicting communication of God’s Word.

Mentor Expository Commentary, A: New Testament (4 Volumes)

Regular Price: $149 | Sale Price $84.90 | Buy Now

Mentor Expository Series holds to an inerrant view of Scripture. This is a resource for pastors and Bible teachers who want to draw on Christ-centered expository teaching and for the lay reader who wants to delve more deeply into the riches of the Word of God.

Theory & Practice of Biblical Hermeneutics

Regular Price: $26.90 | Sale Price $13.45 | Buy Now

This volume celebrates the efforts of Dr. Elliott E. Johnson, who has spent the majority of his academic life teaching biblical interpretation within a framework heavily influenced by the hermeneutical model of E. D. Hirsch, Jr. Several students and friends of Dr. Johnson have written essays in The Theory & Practice of Biblical Hermeneutics to honor him for his fruitful work.

Thiselton’s Hermeneutics Set

Regular Price: $64.90 | Sale Price $32.90 | Buy Now

Anthony Thiselton’s name is synonymous with modern understanding of hermeneutics, the study of methods for interpreting the Bible. This bundle contains:

  • Horizons of Hermeneutics: A collection of essays relating to interpretation written in honor of Anthony Thiselton. These essays aim to consider, exemplify, and build upon Thiselton’s insights in philosophical hermeneutics and biblical studies, particularly in relation to Paul and his writings.
  • Hermeneutics: An Introduction: Thiselton surveys the history of interpretation including modern-day approaches such as liberation, feminist, reader-response, reception, and postmodern methods.

Spirit Hermeneutics

Regular Price: $32.90 | Sale Price $16.45 | Buy Now

Keener considers what Spirit-guided interpretation means, explores implications of an epistemology of word and Spirit for biblical hermeneutics, and shows how Scripture itself models an experiential appropriation of its message, a way of reading with faith. Bridging the Word- Spirit gap between academic and experiential Christian approaches, Keener’s Spirit Hermeneutics narrates a way of reading the Bible that is faithful both to the Spirit-inspired biblical text and to the experience of the Spirit among believers.

Hermeneutical Spiral, The (2nd Edition) (Osborne)

Regular Price: $24.90 | Sale Price $13.90 | Buy Now

In this newly revised and expanded edition, Grant Osborne provides seminary students and working pastors with the full set of tools they need to move from sound exegesis to the development of biblical and systematic theologies and to the preparation of sound, biblical sermons.

Hearing the New Testament: Strategies for Interpretation (2nd Edition) (Joel Green, ed.)

Regular Price: $29.90 | Sale Price $17.90 | Buy Now

A distinguished group of scholars here introduces and illustrates the array of strategies and methods used in New Testament study today. Standard approaches — text criticism, historical methods, etc. — appear side by side with newer approaches — narrative criticism, Latino-Latina hermeneutics, theological interpretation of the New Testament, and more. First published in 1995, Hearing the New Testament is now revised and updated, including rewritten chapters, new chapters, and new suggestions for further reading.

“How to Read” Books: Bundle of Four (4) (Longman)

Regular Price: $59.90 | Sale Price $29.90 | Buy Now

Tremper Longman III is an Old Testament scholar, theologian, professor, and an award-winning author. His writing style and unique communication skills help one to connect with the Bible with both mind and heart. Well organized and informative, these resources  offer a strategy to follow, discoveries to be made, application with which to connect, and important principles of interpretation for better understanding.

Interpreting the New Testament (Brown & Moloney)

Regular Price: $19.99 | Sale Price $9.99 | Buy Now

This new textbook effectively introduces students to the art and craft of biblical interpretation. New Testament scholars Sherri Brown and Francis Moloney begin by orienting students to the world of the Bible, exploring contemporary methods for interpreting the biblical literature, and showing how the Old Testament is foundational to the formation of the New Testament.

Old Testament Exegesis

Regular Price: $16.90 | Sale Price $9.99 | Buy Now

For years, Douglas Stuart’s Old Testament Exegesis has been one of the most popular ways to learn how to perform exegesis–the science and art of interpreting biblical texts properly for understanding as well as proclamation. Completely updated and substantially expanded, this new edition includes scores of newer resources, a new configuration of the format for the exegesis process, and an entirely new section explaining where to find and how to use the latest electronic and online resources for doing biblical research.

New Testament Exegesis

Regular Price: $16.90 | Sale Price $9.99 | Buy Now

Building on the belief that the task of exegesis is to understand the divine-human intention locked within the biblical text, Gordon Fee provides a lucid step-by-step analysis of exegetical procedures that has made New Testament Exegesis a standard textbook for nearly two decades. Now more than ever, with an updated, newly integrated bibliography and an appendix directly addressing reader-response criticism, this essential, classic guide will assist students, scholars, and clergy in coming to grips with the New Testament.