Deity of Christ, The (F. F. Bruce): Was Jesus a Fraud or Was He God? / January 01, 2018
Requires Accordance 10.4 or above.
In New Testament times there did not seem to be any doubt that Jesus said he was God. But nearly 300 years later a priest in Alexandria, Egypt, taught that although Jesus had divine attributes, He Himself was not God—a viewpoint that remains among some groups today.
Recognizing that the doctrine of the deity of Christ was under attack, Dr. William J. Martin, lecturer at University of Liverpool, and F. F. Bruce, professor at the University of Manchester, wrote a little book stating the case for the deity of Christ “with biblical reverence and theological power,” said Christianity Today.
This edition also includes three articles by Professor Bruce about the deity of Christ, the incarnation, and the virgin birth from Precious Seed magazine. After recounting the history of the attack on the deity of Christ by Arius, a teaching that was declared to be heretical at the Council of Nicaea, the authors carefully draw from both the Old and New Testaments a clear and balanced view of this essential doctrine. The deity of Christ “is the keystone of the great arch of the Christian faith,” they say. “Remove it and the whole arch would collapse.”
F. F. Bruce Bundles Available:
Product Details
- Authors: F. F. Bruce
- Publisher: Kingsley Books
- Publish Date: January 1, 2018
- ISBN: 978-1-912149-09-4
- # of Pages: 63
- Categories: Writings
- Min Acc Version: 10.4
Where to Find
Deity of Christ, The (F. F. Bruce) is included with the following packages
Category | Code | Title | Price |
English add-on bundles | FFBruce-Complete_19 | F. F. Bruce Complete Bundle (19 Volumes) | 119.00 |
Writings | FFBruce-Apologetics_5 | F. F. Bruce Apologetics and Early Church Bundle (5 Volumes) | 34.90 |
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