Interpreting Apocalyptic Literature: An Exegetical Handbook / January 01, 2016

Prod ID: HOTE-Apocalyptic / Pub. Kregel Publications / Author:
Price: $21.90

Requires Accordance 10.4 or above.

For even more information, see this release announcement.

At one time, Old Testament apocalyptic literature was relegated to the more obscure reaches of biblical scholarship, acceptable to occasionally refer to, but too thorny to delve into deeply. However, in recent decades it has moved to the forefront of research. The rich veins of insight to be mined in the book of Daniel and other apocalyptic texts are being rediscovered. Richard A. Taylor has crafted a handbook to explore those riches and uncover a way to understand apocalyptic literature more fully.

Taylor begins with a helpful introduction to the genre; surveys the purpose, message, and primary themes of Old Testament apocalyptic literature; and then discusses critical questions and key works for further study. He also provides guidelines for interpreting apocalyptic texts, followed by Old Testament passages that serve to illustrate those guidelines.

While primarily written for pastors and graduate students, Interpreting Apocalyptic Literature is nonetheless accessible to those who simply want to study the texts more deeply than previously possible.

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Where to Find

Interpreting Apocalyptic Literature: An Exegetical Handbook is included with the following packages

Category Code Title Price
Biblical StudiesHOTE_6Handbooks for Old Testament Exegesis (6 Volumes)124.00


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