Qur’an (Arabic, tagged) (with Three English Translations, Devotional, Gloss)
Requires Accordance 12.3 or above. QURAN-T does not currently run on Android.
This package of Quranic resources includes the Qur’an in the original Arabic (tagged). The text includes lexical forms, grammatical analysis (parsing) and a gloss list with basic English meanings.
The verified text is from the Tanzil project; the tagging is Andy Bannister’s corrected and improved version of the Leeds University database. The three major historic English translations are all included, those of Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Mohammad Habib Shakir, and Marmaduke William Pickthall.
This product contains the following five (5) modules:
- Tagged Arabic Qur’an (QURAN-T): Text is based on Leeds University Qur’an database with improvements and corrections by Dr. Andrew Bannister.
- Three English Translations
- By Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall (QURAN-P)
- By Abdullah Yusuf Ali (QURAN-A)
- By Mohammedali Habib Shakir (QURAN-S)
- Chronological Devotional (QURAN Chronological): This is a devotional module which presents the various suras of the Qur’an in the traditional chronological order, with notes as to whether they belong to the Meccan or Medinan periods.
- Also included is a preliminary gloss list with basic English meanings.
Those interested in a more modern scholarly translation, one which includes annotations, would do well to consider adding A. J. Droge’s The Qur’an: A New Annotated Translation.
A transliterated version was originally planned and announced to accompany this text, but it has been canceled due to technical difficulties.
6/18/18 update: The 1.3 update adds the preliminary gloss file to this product.
Included Modules
The following modules and groups are included when you purchase this package.
Category | Code | Title | Price |
Accessory Modules | QURAN Chronological | QURAN Chronological | N/A |
Accessory Modules | QURAN-A | Qur’an (English) (Abdullah Yusuf Ali) | N/A |
Accessory Modules | QURAN-P | Qur’an (English) (Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall) | N/A |
Accessory Modules | QURAN-S | Qur’an (English) (Mohammedali Habib Shakir) | N/A |
Where to Find
Qur’an (Arabic, tagged) (with Three English Translations, Devotional, Gloss) is included with the following packages
Category | Code | Title | Price |
Primary Collections | Coll13-HebrewMaster1119 | Hebrew Master Collection (November 2019) | 4399 |
Primary Collections | Coll12-HebrewMaster1017 | Hebrew Master Collection (Accordance 12) (October 2017) | 3599.00 |
Primary Collections | Coll12-HebrewMaster1118 | Hebrew Master Collection (Accordance 12) (November 2018) | 3699.00 |
Primary Collections | Coll12-HebrewMaster0519 | Hebrew Master Collection (Accordance 12) (May 2019) | 3749.00 |
Semitic Study Tools | QURAN Bundle | Qur’an Bundle | 159.00 |
Academic Bundles | AB-Green1_13 | Academic Collection Green – Level 1 | 400.00 |
Academic Bundles | AB-RegentGreen_14 | Protected: Regent Academic Collection Green | 200.00 |
Academic Bundles | AB-Green1_12 | Academic Bundle Green – Level 1 (Accordance 12) | 400.00 |
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