Understanding New Testament Greek: Learning Greek for Translation and Exegesis Using Accordance Bible Software and Resources (Hoffman)
Requires Accordance 10.4 or above.
Note: Users with 13.0.4 or above will have the specialized highlight file automatically installed upon the installation of the grammar; all other users will need to manually install the highlight file. The highlight file used with this product works with the Greek New Testament (tagged, based on NA28) (GNT28-T). It does not highlight any other Greek text. GNT28-T required for full highlight functionality.
*This module will download on the mobile platforms. However, the special highlight feature will not be accessible.
For even more information, see this release announcement.
Understanding New Testament Greek grammar was developed out of necessity as a way to teach Greek in one semester. The goal, however, is not to read Greek but, as the title states, to understand Greek. There is very little memorization of vocabulary that is expected, since the software can easily provide the lexical information. The only paradigms students are encouraged to memorize are those of the Greek article and forms of the verb εἰμί. The software provides all the analysis. The focus is on understanding Greek grammar and syntax and becoming proficient in using the tools and resources available in the software.
Understanding New Testament Greek
Learning Greek for Translation and Exegesis Using Accordance Bible Software and Resources
• Author: Mark Hoffman
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