Advanced Greek & Hebrew Add-on Bundle (GNT28-T, NA28-T, MT-ETCBC-A, GNT28-T.syntax, MT-ETCBC.syntax, BDAG, HALOT)

Prod ID: Advanced Gr Heb Add-on
Retail: $701.50 / Accordance: $499.00

This add-on bundle includes the following Greek & Hebrew text, syntax, apparatus, and lexicon modules:

Greek Modules

  • NA28 Greek New Testament with Apparatus and Tagging (NA28-T): The NA28-T text includes both morphological tags and sigla to mark the locations of the apparatus notation.
  • Greek New Testament (Tagged, Based on NA28): The Greek GNT28-T text contains morphological tagging as well as full parsing.
  • Greek Syntax: The GNT28-T.syntax module includes a color-coded syntax tree designed to be viewed in parallel with your Bible. (*)
  • Greek Lexicon: The Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament (BDAG) is the standard lexicon for Greek New Testament studies.

Hebrew Modules

  • Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia Text with Apparatus and ETCBC (WIVU) Morphological (MT-ETCBC-A with Apparatus): The Hebrew text includes vowel pointing, cantillation marks, and lemma and ETCBC Morphology tagging information for each word in the text. It also includes the sigla to mark the locations of the apparatus notation.
  • Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia Text with ETCBC (WIVU) Morphology and Syntax (MT-ETCBC Bundle): The Hebrew text includes vowel pointing, cantillation marks, and lemma and ETCBC Morphology tagging information for each word in the text. The syntax module includes a color-coded syntax tree designed to be viewed in parallel with your Bible. (*)
  • Hebrew/Aramaic Lexicon: The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament (HALOT) is the standard modern English dictionary for Biblical Hebrew studies.

* Note: The Syntax Add-ons are not supported in Accordance Lite and currently has very limited support within Accordance Mobile.

Included Modules

The following modules and groups are included when you purchase this package.

Category Code Title Price
Greek BiblesGNT28-TGreek New Testament (tagged, based on NA28)59.90
Greek BiblesGNT28-T.syntaxGrammatical Syntax add-on to GNT28-T59.90
Greek BiblesNA28-TNA28 Greek New Testament with Apparatus and tagging109.00
Greek LexiconsBDAGGreek-English Lexicon of the New Testament (BDAG) (3rd Edition)150.00
Greek ApparatusNA28 ApparatusNA28 Greek New Testament ApparatusN/A
Hebrew BiblesMT-ETCBCBiblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia with ETCBC Morphology (Text)28.90
Hebrew BiblesMT-ETCBC-ABiblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia with ETCBC Morphology for Apparatus (Text)
Hebrew LexiconsHALOTHebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament (HALOT) (5 volumes)159.00
Hebrew ApparatusMT-ETCBC-A ApparatusBiblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia with ETCBC Morphology (Apparatus)
Semitic Study ToolsHebrew Syntax GuideA Brief User’s Guide for the Accordance Hebrew Syntax Database (Holmstedt)N/A
Accessory ModulesGNT NotesGNT28-T NotesN/A
Accessory ModulesMT-ETCBC.syntaxETCBC Syntax of the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Syntax)59.90


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