New Revised Standard Version with Strong’s Numbers
The New Revised Standard Version is a thorough revision of the RSV of 1947/52 and 1971, which itself is a revision of the ASV of 1901. It includes a moderate attempt at using more gender-inclusive language. The Apocrypha is included with a separate module for certain alternative sections. Styling of poetry, italics and small caps is supported. Margin notes are included in a separate module. The translation was published in 1989.
Strong’s numbers have been added throughout the Old and New Testaments. The NRSVS module offers users the ability to amplify to Hebrew and Greek dictionaries and perform searches based on Strong’s numbers.
11/13/14 Update: The 3.0 update splits Susanna, Bel, and Epistle of Jeremiah from Daniel and Baruch, respectively.
2/12/21 Update: The 5.0 update adds footnote markers in the text.
Included Modules
The following modules and groups are included when you purchase this package.
Category | Code | Title | Price |
Accessory Modules | NRSV Notes | NRSV Notes | N/A |
Accessory Modules | NRSV2 | NRSV2 | N/A |
Accessory Modules | NRSV2 Notes | NRSV2 Notes | N/A |
Where to Find
New Revised Standard Version with Strong's Numbers is included with the following packages
Category | Code | Title | Price |
Upgrades | Coll10-Essential Upg_13 | Version 9 Levels upgrades to Essential Collection | 499.99 |
Upgrades | Coll10-Essential Upg_14 | Version 9 Levels upgrades to Essential Collection | 499.99 |
Upgrades | Coll10-Essential Upgrades | Version 9 Levels upgrades to Essential Collection | 499.99 |
Primary Collections | Coll12-GrHebDiscover | Greek & Hebrew Discoverer Collection (Accordance 12) | 399.00 |
Primary Collections | Scholars-Essentials | Protected: Scholar’s Essentials Collection | 119 |
Primary Collections | Coll13-GrHebDiscover | Greek & Hebrew Discoverer Collection | 449 |
Primary Collections | Collection10-OrigLanguage | Original Languages Collection (Accordance 10) | 299.99 |
Primary Collections | Collection10-OrigLang_13 | Original Languages Collection (Accordance 10) | 299.99 |
Primary Collections | Collection10-OrigLang_14 | Original Languages Collection (Accordance 10) | 299.99 |
Primary Collections | 20-Pack Greek & Hebrew | Site License Pack for up to 20 devices: Greek & Hebrew | 1000.00 |
Primary Collections | 20-pack Greek & Hebrew_14 | Site License Pack for up to 20 devices: Greek & Hebrew | 1000.00 |
Primary Collections | Collection10-Essential | Essential Collection (Accordance 10) | 499.99 |
Primary Collections | PC-Coll10-OrigLanguage | Original Languages Collection pre-installed for emulator on DVD | 299.99 |
Primary Collections | PC-Coll10-OrigLang_13 | Original Languages Collection pre-installed for emulator on DVD | 299.99 |
Primary Collections | Collection10-Essential_13 | Essential Collection (Accordance 10) | 499.99 |
Primary Collections | Coll12-EngPro | English Pro Collection (Accordance 12) | 999.00 |
Primary Collections | Collection10-Essential_14 | Essential Collection (Accordance 10) | 499.99 |
Primary Collections | Collection11-Essential | Essential Collection (Accordance 11) | 499.00 |
Primary Collections | Coll13-EngPro | English Pro Collection | 1149 |
Primary Collections | Collection10-Advanced_14 | Advanced Collection (Accordance 10) | 999.99 |
Primary Collections | Collection10-Advanced | Advanced Collection (Accordance 10) | 999.99 |
Primary Collections | Collection10-Advanced_13 | Advanced Collection (Accordance 10) | 999.99 |
Primary Collections | Collection11-Advanced | Advanced Collection (Accordance 11) | 999.00 |
Primary Collections | Dev-Super | Developing Countries Package – Super | 199.00 |
Primary Collections | Dev-Super_13 | Developing Countries Package – Super with Accordance 13 | 199.00 |
Primary Collections | Collection10-Ultimate_14 | Ultimate Collection (Accordance 10) | 1999.99 |
Primary Collections | Collection10-Ultimate | Ultimate Collection (Accordance 10) | 1999.99 |
Primary Collections | Collection10-Ultimate_13 | Ultimate Collection (Accordance 10) | 1999.99 |
Primary Collections | Collection11-Ultimate | Ultimate Collection (Accordance 11) | 1999.00 |
Primary Bundles | SPP-CTS-eng19 | Christian Theo Seminary SPP English | N/A |
Primary Bundles | WS Crossover13 | Preacher/Teacher Reference Library Bundle (Previously the Wordsearch Crossover) | 1499 |
Primary Bundles | SPP-Camp17-18 | SPP Campbell Uni 2017-18 | N/A |
Primary Bundles | BW Crossover13-Basic 8-10 | Student/Scholar Biblical Language Bundle (Previously the BibleWorks Crossover) | 399 |
Primary Bundles | BW Crossover Basic 8-10_2 | BibleWorks Crossover: Accordance 12 Basic Package (For BibleWorks Versions 8-10) (June 2018) | 149.00 |
Primary Bundles | BW Crossover-Basic 8-10_2 | BW Crossover Basic 8-10_2 (reg) | 149.00 |
Primary Bundles | BW Crossover-Basic 8-10 | BibleWorks Crossover: Accordance 12 Basic Package (For BibleWorks Versions 8-10) | 149.00 |
Primary Bundles | BW Crossover13-Basic 6-7 | BibleWorks Crossover: Accordance 13 Basic Package | |
Primary Bundles | BW Crossover-Basic 6-7 | BibleWorks Crossover: Accordance 12 Package (For BibleWorks Versions 6-7) (June 2018) | 229.00 |
Primary Bundles | SPP-ICB11.12 | ICB Purchase 11.2012 | N/A |
Primary Bundles | SPP-ICB8.14 | ICB Purchase 8.2014 | N/A |
English Studies | English Bible add-on | English Bible add-on to Collection 10-Starter | 329.99 |
English Studies | English Bible add-on Starter11 | English Bible add-on | 239.00 |
English Studies | English Bible add-on_0122 | English Bible add-on (January 2022) | 269.00 |
English Studies | English Bible add-on_0119 | English Bible add-on (January 2019) | 269.00 |
English add-on bundles | Catholic Studies_0220 | Catholic Studies Add-on Bundle (Feb. 2020) | 119.00 |
English add-on bundles | Catholic Studies add-on | Catholic Bibles and texts to add to the Starter Collection | 119.00 |
English Bibles | NRSVS Group | NRSV with Strong's Numbers and Dictionaries | 39.99 |
Academic Bundles | Starter with NRSVS-UCLA | Protected: UCLA: Starter Collection with NRSVS (With Accordance 13) | 30.00 |
Academic Bundles | AB-Amber1_13 | Academic Collection Amber – Greek and Hebrew | 998.00 |
Academic Bundles | AB-Amber1_13-W | Protected: Academic Collection Amber – Greek and Hebrew (Fuller Edition, Accordance 13) | 539.00 |
Academic Bundles | AB-Amber1_12 | Academic Bundle Amber – Level 1 (Accordance 12) | 998.00 |
Academic Bundles | AB-Amber1-Faculty_13 | Academic Bundle Amber – Level 1 (Faculty) (Accordance 13) | 1098.00 |
Academic Bundles | AB-Amber1-Faculty_12 | Academic Bundle Amber – Level 1 (Faculty) (Accordance 12) | 1098.00 |
Academic Bundles | AB-Columbia_Biblical | Columbia Biblical Seminary Collection (Accordance 14) | 450.00 |
Academic Bundles | AB-Green1_13 | Academic Collection Green – Level 1 | 400.00 |
Academic Bundles | AB-RegentGreen_14 | Protected: Regent Academic Collection Green | 200.00 |
Academic Bundles | Collection11-OrigLang | Original Languages Collection (Accordance 11) | 299.00 |
Academic Bundles | AB-Green1_12 | Academic Bundle Green – Level 1 (Accordance 12) | 400.00 |
Academic Bundles | Collection11-Essential_16 | Essential Collection (Accordance 11) | 499.00 |
Academic Bundles | AB-Amber-Hebrew Init_13 | Academic Collection Amber – Hebrew Initial Bundle | 600.00 |
Academic Bundles | AB-Amber-Hebrew Init_13-W | Protected: Academic Collection Amber – Hebrew Initial Bundle (Fuller Edition, Accordance 13) | 340.00 |
Academic Bundles | Collection11-Advanced_16 | Advanced Collection (Accordance 11) | 999.00 |
Academic Bundles | AB-Amber-Hebrew Init | Academic Bundle Amber – Hebrew Initial Bundle (Accordance 12) | 600.00 |
Academic Bundles | AB-Amber-Greek Init | Academic Bundle Amber – Greek Initial Bundle (Accordance 12) | 660.00 |
Academic Bundles | AB-Amber-Greek Init_13 | Academic Collection Amber – Greek Initial Bundle | 660.00 |
Academic Bundles | AB-Amber-Greek Init_13-W | Protected: Academic Collection Amber – Greek Initial Bundle (Fuller Edition, Accordance 13) | 330.00 |
Academic Bundles | Collection11-Ultimate_16 | Ultimate Collection (Accordance 11) | 1999.00 |
PC Primary Levels | PC-Coll10-Essential | Essential Collection pre-installed for emulator on DVD | 499.99 |
PC Primary Levels | PC-Coll10-Essential_13 | Essential Collection pre-installed for emulator on DVD | 499.99 |
Collection Bundles | Ministry Foundation Collection | Ministry Foundations Collection | 300.00 |
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