Ends 11:59 PM Eastern 9/30/24

Regular Price: $929 | Sale Price $399 | Buy Now

Unique, authoritative, and indispensable, the Hermeneia series from Augsburg Fortress has in a generation produced many of the most influential and informative commentaries on the Bible in the English language.

Regular Price: $589 | Sale Price $259 | Buy Now

This edition includes 29 New Testament published volumes. For convenience of use, the volumes are divided into 5 modules, which are all included in the price of the set. 

Regular Price: $499 | Sale Price $219 | Buy Now

This edition includes 22 Old Testament published volumes, with a print value of over $1,400. For convenience of use, the volumes are divided into 3 modules, which are all included in the price of the set. 

Regular Price: $699 | Sale Price $269 | Buy Now

The Feasting on the Word (FotW) series aids clergy in developing and preparing sermons throughout the year in conjunction with the Revised Common Lectionary. Each lectionary year consists of four volumes, one for the Advent and Christmas season, one for Lent and Easter, and one for each half of Ordinary Time.

Regular Price: $349 | Sale Price $99.99 | Buy Now

The commentaries provide four essays for each of the assigned RCL passages, and through those essays highlight issues in exegesis, theology, homiletics, and pastoral care as they apply to and are derived from the text.

Feasting on the Word Worship Companion (Years A, B, C) (6 Volumes)

Regular Price: $139 | Sale Price $55.60 | Buy Now

During times of the year when two different tracks of Old Testament texts are offered by the Revised Common Lectionary, this resource offers an entire set of materials for both tracks.

Regular Price: $219 | Sale Price $87.60 | Buy Now

These volumes incorporate the unique format of Feasting on the Word, with four perspectives for preachers to choose from for each Gospel passage: theological, pastoral, exegetical, and homiletical. Feasting on the Gospels provide a special resource for all who preach, either continuously or occasionally, on the Gospels.

Feasting on the Word Lenten Companion

Regular Price: $17.90 | Sale Price $8.95 | Buy Now

This resource is an all-in-one worship companion designed for those who do not follow the lectionary, or would like an alternative to the lectionary during Lent.

Feasting on the Word Children’s Sermons (Years A-C) and Guide to Children’s Sermons

Regular Price: $74.90 | Sale Price $29.96 | Buy Now

Many pastors are confused about what to say during children’s time in churches. Feasting on the Word Children’s Sermons offers practical suggestions for preparing and delivering the children’s sermon. After explaining the purpose of the children’s sermon, noted Christian educator Carol Wehrheim provides a story for each Sunday of the church year based on the Revised Common Lectionary.

Daily Feast (3 Volumes)

Regular Price: $49.90 | Sale Price $24.95 | Buy Now

Feasting on the Word has quickly become the most popular lectionary commentary series in use today. This series of daily devotionals draws from the wealth of writing in the commentaries to present inspirational reflections for each day of the lectionary year.

Regular Price: $379 | Sale Price $189 | Buy Now

Currently the William Marcellus McPheeters Professor Emeritus of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary, Walter Brueggemann is one of the best known Old Testament theologians alive today, specifically associated with postmodern Old Testament theology.

Regular Price: $89.90 | Sale Price $58.90 | Buy Now

This product consists of five (5) Practical Works by Walter Brueggemann:

The Word That Redescribes the World: The Bible and Discipleship: In the people of Israel, Brueggemann finds a discipleship model of an alternative community anchored in YHWH.

Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Earth: Prayers of Walter Brueggemann: Full of reflection, faith, and dialogue, this collection of prayers reveal another side of this gifted author from what his many readers are accustomed to. These deeply felt and sparklingly articulated prayers reflect a wide range of life experiences.

The Creative Word, 2nd Edition: Canon as a Model for Biblical Education: Incorporating the best insights from his own career and from the fields of canonical criticism, Old Testament theology, and pedagogical theory, Brueggemann offers a vision of how the community can draw on the shape of Scripture to educate its members.

Inscribing the Text: Sermons and Prayers of Walter Brueggemann: “The sermons and prayers of this particular scribe…will linger to re-text and re-ignite another generation of preachers.”

Interpretation and Obedience: From Faithful Reading to Faithful Living: Drawing on specific texts that speak to cosmic hurt and personal possibility, Brueggemann demonstrates the essential connection between faithful reading of the biblical text and faithful living in a world of banal, yet threatening values.

Regular Price: $84.90 | Sale Price $54.90 | Buy Now

This product consists of three (3) Theological Works by Walter Brueggemann:

Theology of the Old Testament: Testimony, Dispute, Advocacy: In this powerful book, Brueggemann moves the discussion of Old Testament theology beyond the dominant models of previous generations.

Old Testament Theology: Essays on Structure, Theme, and Text: In these essays, Brueggemann addresses the necessity for thinking about the shape and structure of Old Testament theology—and for the impact such thinking can have on the larger issues of contemporary life.

Disruptive Grace: Reflections on God, Scripture, and the Church: These chapters gather Brueggemann’s recent addresses and essays, never published before, drawn from all three parts of the Hebrew Bible—Torah, Prophets, and Writings—and address the role of the Hebrew canon in the life of the church.

Regular Price: $66.90 | Sale Price $44.90 | Buy Now

This product consists of four (4) Biblical Studies Works by Walter Brueggemann:

An Unsettling God: The Heart of the Hebrew Bible: In the pages of the Hebrew Bible, ancient Israel gave witness to its encounter with a profound and uncontrollable reality experienced through relationship. This book, drawn from the heart of Brueggemann’s Theology of the Old Testament, distills a career’s worth of insights into the core message of the Hebrew Bible.

The Book That Breathes New Life: Scriptural Authority and Biblical Theology: The purpose of this collection of Brueggemann’s essays is to bring to the fore a much more extensive critical engagement on his part with the current discussion about the Old Testament, its character, its authority, its theology, and especially its God.

Texts Under Negotiation: The Bible and Postmodern Imagination: Brueggemann issues a passionate call for a bold restructuring of the imagination of faith in our “postmodern” context. Old assumptions (rational, objectivist, absolutist) have for the most part given way to new outlooks, which can be grouped under the term postmodern.

A Social Reading of the Old Testament: In this book, Walter Brueggemann raises a variety of contemporary and intriguing questions on the relation of society and text in the Old Testament, among them—the hidden agendas that underlie the making and reading of Scripture: the conflictual tension in ancient Israel, the cry to God of the oppressed and God’s response, the political dimension of mercy, and theodicy, violence, horses, and chariots.

Regular Price: $65.90 | Sale Price $44.90 | Buy Now

This product consists of four (4) Historical Works by Walter Brueggemann:

The Land: Place as Gift, Promise, and Challenge in Biblical Faith: The land was one of the most vibrant symbols for the people of ancient Israel. In the land—gift, promise, and challenge—was found the physical source of Israel’s fertility and life, and a place for the gathering of the hopes of the covenant people. In this careful treatment, Brueggemann follows the development of his theme through the major blocks of Israel’s traditions.

The Prophetic Imagination (Second Edition): In this challenging and enlightening treatment, Brueggemann traces the lines from the radical vision of Moses to the solidification of royal power in Solomon to the prophetic critique of that power with a new vision of freedom in the prophets.

David’s Truth in Israel’s Imagination and Memory (Second Edition): In this completely revised edition of a true classic, Brueggemann thoughtfully examines four different sets of David narratives. The tribe, the family, the state, and the assembly each has a different agenda and thus draws a very different portrait of the one who helps define them and is defined by them.

Hopeful Imagination: Prophetic Voices in Exile: Brueggemann here examines the literature and experience of an era in which Israel’s prophets faced the pastoral responsibility of helping people to enter into exile, to be in exile, and to depart out of exile. He addresses three major prophetic traditions: Jeremiah (the pathos of God), Ezekiel (the holiness of God), and 2 Isaiah (the newness of God).

Regular Price: $59.90 | Sale Price $38.90 | Buy Now

This product consists of four (4) Book Study Works by Walter Brueggemann:

Spirituality of the Psalms: The seasons of our lives change. Using a model of orientation—disorientation—new orientation, Brueggemann explores how the genres of the Psalms can be viewed in terms of their function. Spirituality of the Psalms is an abridgement of Message of the Psalms.

Like Fire in the Bones: Listening for the Prophetic Word in Jeremiah: Be prepared to learn a great deal about the contemporary interpretation of the book of Jeremiah. There is no better guide to what is going on in Jeremianic studies than the opening essays of this volume.

Israel’s Praise: Doxology Against Idolatry and Ideology: Brueggemann argues that, rightly practiced, the Psalms of Israel make available an evangelical world of Yahweh’s sovereignty—a world marked by justice, righteousness, mercy, peace, and compassion.

The Message of the Psalms: A Theological Commentary: Brueggemann explores how the genres of the Psalms can be viewed in terms of their function. This results in fresh readings of these ancient songs that illumine their spiritual depth. The voices of the Psalms come through in all their bold realism.

Regular Price: $49.90 | Sale Price $32.90 | Buy Now

This product consists of three (3) Preaching Works by Walter Brueggemann:

The Threat of Life: Sermons on Pain, Power, and Weakness: Included in these Brueggemann sermons are keen observations about the timeless issues of human life, both personal and social: the pain we face, often inflicted on each other; the use and abuse of power; the weakness and fragility of life; the redemptive power of faith; and much more.

The Word Militant: Preaching a Decentering Word: Against the easy assurance of a too-enculturated religion, Walter Brueggemann refocuses the preaching task around the decentering, destabilizing, always risky Word that confronts us in Scripture – if we have the courage to hear. These powerful essays, previously available only in journals, are here combined with a newly composed preface and introduction.

The Practice of Prophetic Imagination: Preaching an Emancipated Word: Brueggemann declares that the necessary character of truly prophetic preaching today is “a contestation between narratives.” If the dominant narrative of our time promotes national self-sufficiency (through militarism) and personal self-sufficiency (through consumerism), it must be opposed by a different narrative.

Regular Price: $79.99 | Sale Price $47.90 | Buy Now

Con sus más de 2.700 páginas a gran tamaño y 5.000 artículos escritos por más de 100 profesores bajo la coordinación del Dr. Alfonso Ropero, todos ellos de origen hispano o trabajando en el mundo hispano y reconocidas autoridades en cada materia, el«GRAN DICCIONARIO ENCICLOPEDICO DE LA BIBLIA» es la mayor fuente de conocimiento sobre todo lo relacionado con la Biblia disponible en un solo volumen que se haya publicado en español a lo largo de los últimos 100 años.

Diccionario Conciso Griego-Español del Nuevo Testamento (GBS)

Regular Price: $49.90 | Sale Price $14.90 | Buy Now

Preparado por Elsa Támez en colaboración con Irene Foulkes, se trata este de un diccionario conciso diseñado para ser utilizado conjuntamente con el Greek New Testament y el Novum Testamentum Graece de Nestle-Aland. Su singularidad radica en que ordena los diferentes significados de cada palabra griega según su uso en el Nuevo Testamento en lugar de listar los distintos significados de las palabras basándose en métodos etimológicos tradicionales. Se presentan los significados en el español actual.

Vive Antes de Morir (Daniel Kolenda)

Regular Price: $11.90 | Sale Price $7.99 | Buy Now

El Dios eterno, omnipotente y omnisciente te creó con sus propias manos.  Incluso, antes de que nacieras, ¡ya tenía un sueño para tu vida! Pero a veces es difícil saber cuál es ese sueño o cómo ir tras él.

La fuerza del amor (Heidi Baker)

Regular Price: $9.90 | Sale Price $6.99 | Buy Now

Heidi Baker, en La fuerza del amor, le brinda un vistazo de la dependencia total y de la auténtica comunidad cristiana con un novedoso enfoque en las Bienaventuranzas.

El Espíritu Santo (Ferguson)

Regular Price: $17.90 | Sale Price $8.95 | Buy Now

El Espíritu Santo, una vez olvidado, se ha “vuelto a descubrir” en el siglo XXI, ¿o no? Sinclair Ferguson cree que deberíamos frasear de nuevo esta afirmación común: “Aunque su obra se ha reconocido, el Espíritu mismo sigue siendo hoy un aspecto anónimo y sin rostro del ser divino para muchos cristianos”.

La obra de Cristo (Letham)

Regular Price: $17.90 | Sale Price $8.95 | Buy Now

En La obra de Cristo, Robert Letham elabora su exposición en torno al triple oficio de Cristo como profeta, sacerdote y rey. Dentro de este marco, explora los temas de Cristo y la obra de Dios, la naturaleza y las teorías de la expiación, y las dimensiones cósmicas y colectivas del señorío mediador de Cristo. 

La doctrina de Dios (Bray)

Regular Price: $17.90 | Sale Price $8.95 | Buy Now

Dios no se ha revelado en esencia, pero se ha dado a conocer en las tres Personas de la trinidad – Padre, Hijo, y Espíritu Santo. Siguiendo el camino iniciado por los Reformadores protestantes, se afirma que conocer a una de las tres Personas es conocer también a las otras dos.

La persona de Cristo (Macleod)

Regular Price: $18.90 | Sale Price $9.45 | Buy Now

A lo largo de la historia de la Iglesia, la doctrina de la Persona de Cristo ha sido una pieza angular de la reflexión teológica. En La Persona de Cristo, Donald MacLeod vuelve a articular esta doctrina multifacética. Comienza con el Nuevo Testamento y con los esfuerzos modernos para comprender su cristología.

Esquema de la Biblia

Regular Price: $9.90 | Sale Price – FREE! | Buy Now

Bosquejos literarios de cada libro de la Biblia.

Reading Mark’s Christology Under Caesar (Winn)

Regular Price: $24.90 | Sale Price $12.45 | Buy Now

The Gospel of Mark has been studied from multiple angles using many methods. But often there remains a sense that something is wanting, that the full picture of Mark’s Gospel lacks some background circuitry that would light up the whole.

Earliest Christologies, The (Papandrea)

Regular Price: $17.90 | Sale Price $8.95 | Buy Now

The second century was a religious and cultural crucible for early Christian Christology. Was Christ a man, temporarily inhabited by the divine? Was he a spirit, only apparently cloaked in flesh? Or was he the Logos, truly incarnate? Between varieties of adoptionism on the one hand and brands of gnosticism on the other, the church’s understanding took shape.

Introduction to World Christian History (Cooper)

Regular Price: $21.90 | Sale Price $10.95 | Buy Now

Today, people are increasingly aware that Christianity extends far beyond Europe and North America, permeating the Eastern and Southern hemispheres. What we may know less well is that Christianity has always been a global faith.

New Testament Christological Hymns (Gordley)

Regular Price: $29.90 | Sale Price $14.95 | Buy Now

We know that the earliest Christians sang hymns. Paul encourages believers to sing “psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.” And at the dawn of the second century the Roman official Pliny names a feature of Christian worship as “singing alternately a hymn to Christ as to God.” But are some of these early Christian hymns preserved for us in the New Testament? Are they right before our eyes?

Faith and Fossils (Grabbe)

Regular Price: $19.90 | Sale Price $11.94 | Buy Now

Many books have been written on the Bible and evolution by scientists, but this volume is written by a biblical specialist. In Faith and Fossils Lester Grabbe, a prominent Hebrew Bible scholar, examines the Bible in its ancient context and explores its meaning in light of emerging scientific evidence.

Eschatology (McDowell and Kirkland)

Regular Price: $24.90 | Sale Price $14.94 | Buy Now

This short textbook, the latest volume in the Guides to Theology series, surveys key themes and aspects of Christian hope by tracing eschatological ideas as they have developed from Scripture throughout the history of theology. 

Sleuthing the Bible (Kaltner and McKenzie)

Regular Price: $17.90 | Sale Price $10.74 | Buy Now

Why is there crime-scene tape on my Bible? Elementary, my dear reader. There is an element of detective work to biblical scholarship that entails sniffing out and interpreting clues that often escape the notice of readers. John Kaltner and Steven L. McKenzie introduce the art of sleuthing the Bible, providing the necessary training to hunt for clues and piece them together to understand the larger picture.

Between the Beginning and the End (J. H. Bavinck)

Regular Price: $16.90 | Sale Price $10.14 | Buy Now

Twentieth-century Dutch missiologist and prolific author J. H. Bavinck was committed to confronting the world with the saving message of Christ. In this first English translation of the Dutch work published in 1946, Bavinck presents a cosmic kingdom vision and champions the coming of the kingdom of Christ as the basic message of the gospel.

The Violence of the Biblical God (Hawk)

Regular Price: $34.90 | Sale Price $20.94 | Buy Now

How can we make sense of violence in the Bible? Joshua commands the people of Israel to wipe out everyone in the promised land of Canaan, while Jesus commands God’s people to love their enemies. How are we to interpret biblical passages on violence when it is sanctioned at one point and condemned at another?