Prices in this sale will be valid through 11:59 PM (Eastern) 2/10/25.

OT / NT Library Everything Bundle: 55 Commentary Volumes / 13 Companion Volumes
Regular Price: $1,726 | Sale Price $649 | Buy Now
The Old Testament and New Testament Library series by Westminster John Knox Press provide fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament and New Testament study through commentaries and general surveys.
OT / NT Library Commentary Set (46 Volumes)
Regular Price: $999 | Sale Price $449 | Buy Now
The Old and New Testament Library Commentary series are two of the most respected commentary series produced in the last 50 years. As with any series that reaches this level of respectability, they are comprehensive in scope while acknowledging that they are not exhaustive. Introductory matters cover historical concerns, cultural issues, the reception of the text, the integrity of the text, and other interpretive issues.
OT Library Commentary (31 Volumes)
Regular Price: $699 | Sale Price $349 | Buy Now
The Old Testament Library is one of the most respected commentary series produced in the last 50 years. As with any series that reaches this level of respectability, it is comprehensive in scope while acknowledging that it is not exhaustive. Introductory matters cover historical concerns, cultural issues, the reception of the text, the integrity of the text, and other interpretive issues.
NT Library Commentary (15 Volumes)
Regular Price: $399 | Sale Price $199 | Buy Now
The New Testament Library series offers authoritative commentary on every book and major aspect of the New Testament, providing fresh translations based on the best available ancient manuscripts, critical portrayals of the historical world in which the books were created, careful attention to their literary design, and a theologically perceptive exposition of the biblical text. The contributors are scholars of international standing.
OT Library Commentary: Classic Volumes (9 Volumes)
Regular Price: $329 | Sale Price $149 | Buy Now
Each commentary provides a verse-by-verse analysis of critical exegetical matters that are then synthesized into a progressively building understanding of the text and interpretation. This includes analysis of problems in history, word meaning, syntactical and grammatical issues, text history, and many other exegetically relevant issues. Nevertheless, despite the breadth of their scope, volumes in the series remain relatively compact in comparison to series who share its aims and scope.
OT Library Companion Bundle (9 Volumes)
Regular Price: $299 | Sale Price $149 | Buy Now
The companion volumes of Westminster John Knox Press’s Old Testament Library series cover major aspects of biblical studies through surveys, theologies, histories, and other works. This critically acclaimed series provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.
NT Library Companion Bundle (4 Volumes)
Regular Price: $99.90 | Sale Price $49.90 | Buy Now
The companion volumes of Westminster John Knox Press’s New Testament Library series cover major aspects of biblical studies through surveys, theologies, histories, and other works.
International Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament (7 Volumes)
Regular Price: $599 | Sale Price $399 | Buy Now
The main feature of this new commentary series is the interlinkage of both synchronic and diachronic perspectives in analysis of texts. Other emphases include treatment of social-historical background, liberation-theological viewpoints, gender aspects and elements of the history of reception.
Internationaler Exegetischer Kommentar zum Alten Testament (6 Bände)
Regular Price: $449 | Sale Price $289 | Buy Now
IEKAT möchte einem breiten Publikum – Fachleuten, Theologen, interessierten Laien – eine multiperspektivische, innovative und intensive Interpretation der Bücher des Alten Testaments bieten. Angestrebt ist eine Kommentarreihe von internationalem Rang, in ökumenischer Weite und auf der Höhe der Zeit.
Berit Olam (15 Volumes): Studies in Hebrew Narrative and Poetry
Regular Price: $329 | Sale Price $199 | Buy Now
As they have for centuries, people still turn to the Hebrew Bible to hear afresh the life-giving words of God’s everlasting covenant. Berit Olam (“The Everlasting Covenant”): Studies in Hebrew Narrative & Poetry brings to all interested in the Bible, be they lay people, professional biblical scholars, students, or religious educators, the latest developments in the literary analysis of these ancient texts.
Sacra Pagina New Testament Commentary Series (18 Volumes)
Regular Price: $349 | Sale Price $199 | Buy Now
This series presents fresh translations and modern expositions of all the books of the New Testament. Written by an international team of Catholic biblical scholars, it is intended for biblical professionals, graduate students, theologians, clergy, and religious educators. The volumes present basic introductory information and close exposition, with each author adopting a specific methodology while maintaining a focus on the issues raised by the New Testament compositions themselves.
Introduction to the Old Testament, Set of Four Works (Pentateuch, Historical, Poetic, Prophetic)
Regular Price: $129 | Sale Price $79.90 | Buy Now
This bundle contains all four books of An Introduction to the Old Testament set.
- In An Introduction to the Old Testament Prophetic Books, C. Hassell Bullock presents a clear picture of some of history’s most profound spokesmen–the Old Testament prophets–and the God who shaped them. Our generational distance from the age of the prophets might seem to be a measureless chasm. Yet we dare not make the mistake of assuming that passing years have rendered irrelevant not only the Old Testament prophets, but also the God who comprehends, spans, and transcends all time.
- In An Introduction to the Old Testament Pentateuch, Old Testament expert Herbert Wolf provides lay readers and scholars alike with a strong undergirding of understanding and knowledge in this introduction that reveals both the seriousness and excitement of the Pentateuch.
- In An Introduction to the Old Testament Historical Books, incredible events, amazing love stories, larger-than-life personalities and deep theological implications and themes are just part of the treasure that awaits readers. These books tell the story of the nation of Israel and the God who loves her, punishes her, and always brings this recalcitrant people back to Himself.
- In An Introduction to the Old Testament Poetic Books, C. Hassell Bullock, a noted Old Testament scholar, delves deep into the hearts of the five poetic books, offering readers helpful details such as hermeneutical considerations for each book, theological content and themes, detailed analysis of each book, and cultural perspectives.
World and the Word, The (Merrill, Rooker, Grisanti): An Introduction to the Old Testament
Regular Price: $2690 | Sale Price $15.90 | Buy Now
The World and the Word is a fresh introduction to the Old Testament driven largely by the fact that so much Christian preaching and teaching today increasingly ignores what is eighty percent of the Bible. Authors Eugene Merrill, Mark Rooker, and Michael Grisanti work through the world and text of the Old Testament always making three major points:
- The Old Testament offers, by teaching and example, practical principles of belief and behavior for contemporary times. Who God was and what He did then can be replicated in the lives of men and women today.
- The Old Testament is a rich source of theology and doctrine that is presupposed by the New Testament. Without it, Christian theology would be seriously deficient.
- Mastery of the Old Testament is crucial to an understanding of the New Testament.
Reading the Bible with John Stott (6 Volumes)
Regular Price: $89.99 | Sale Price $44.99 | Buy Now
John Stott is one of the most beloved and masterful Bible teachers of the last fifty years. His books have sold in the millions. Christians on every continent have heard and read John Stott’s exposition of Scripture that was at once instructive and inspiring. The books in this series offer the essential message of Stott’s teaching, largely drawn from his Bible Speaks Today volumes, and present it in a format suitable for daily reading.
Knowing God Through the Old Testament (Wright): Three Volumes in One
Regular Price: $39.99 | Sale Price $19.90 | Buy Now
Combining three volumes into one, Knowing God Through the Old Testament brings together three of Christopher J. H. Wright’s best loved books: Knowing God the Father Through the Old Testament, Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament, and Knowing the Holy Spirit Through the Old Testament.
Reader’s Guide to the Bible, A (Goldingay)
Regular Price: $15.99 | Sale Price $8.99 | Buy Now
Approaching the Bible for the first time can be intimidating. Where should you begin? John Goldingay’s reliable and clear guide to exploring the Bible places the biblical books in their times and settings, and then lays out a memorable pattern for understanding the Bible as the story of God and his people, the word of God to his people, and the people’s response to God.
NEW! Salvation by Allegiance Alone (Bates)
Regular Price: $28.99 | Sale Price $18.85 | Buy Now
We are saved by faith when we trust that Jesus died for our sins. This is the gospel, or so we are taught. But what is faith? And does this accurately summarize the gospel? Because faith is frequently misunderstood and the climax of the gospel misidentified, the gospel’s full power remains untapped. While offering a fresh proposal for what faith means within a biblical theology of salvation, Matthew Bates presses the church toward a new precision: we are saved solely by allegiance to Jesus the king. Instead of faith alone, Christians must speak about salvation by allegiance alone.
The State of Old Testament Studies (Hardy II and Carroll R.)
Regular Price: $44.99 | Sale Price $29.24 | Buy Now
Bringing together a diverse group of experts, The State of Old Testament Studies provides an informed introduction to the many fields of Old Testament research by recognized scholars, presents basic questions in each subfield, surveys the primary methods of answering these questions, engages prominent solutions, and cites relevant and up-to-date resources. It is an extensive guide to current research and an ideal supplemental textbook for a variety of courses on the Old Testament.
The State of New Testament Studies (McKnight and Gupta)
Regular Price: $47.00 | Sale Price $30.55 | Buy Now
This book surveys the current landscape of New Testament studies, offering readers a concise guide to contemporary discussions. Bringing together a diverse group of experts, it covers research on the most important issues in New Testament studies, including new discipline areas, making it an ideal supplemental textbook for a variety of courses on the New Testament. Michael Bird, David Capes, Greg Carey, Lynn Cohick, Dennis Edwards, Michael Gorman, and Abson Joseph are among the contributors.
Essentials Bundle: Old Testament Essentials & New Testament Essentials
Regular Price: $26.90 | Sale Price $12.90 | Buy Now
The Essentials Set from InterVarsity Press is a series of in-depth workbooks that brings the essentials of Christian ministry into contact with the real life of your congregation. This bundle contains two volumes from that set.
Understanding Scripture (eds. Grudem, Collins, Schreiner): An Overview of the Bible’s Origin, Reliability, and Meaning
Regular Price: $15.90 | Sale Price $8.95 | Buy Now
Covering a diverse range of essential subjects, including how to read the Bible well and why it is reliable, these eighteen essays delve into specific topics such as world religions, canon, and archaeology. Pastors, lay leaders, students, and other Christians engaged in studying God’s Word will benefit from this collection, written by notable contributors, including J. I. Packer, John Piper, Daniel B. Wallace, and Vern Poythress.
Baker Illustrated Guide to the Bible (BIGB)
Regular Price: $14.99 | Sale Price $11.24 | Buy Now
With beautiful, full-color photos, maps, and illustrations, this book-by-book companion to the Bible is perfect for Sunday school teachers, students, and everyday Christians who will find it quickly becomes the first place they go before beginning a book of the Bible.
Baker Illustrated Bible Handbook (BIBH)
Regular Price: $44.99 | Sale Price $33.74 | Buy Now
The Baker Illustrated Bible Handbook offers the most up-to-date evangelical biblical scholarship in a format that is readable and easy to understand. This book-by-book guide brings the Bible to life with more than 1,100 full-color pages packed with illustrations, maps, and photos, and 112 in-depth articles on a wide range of topics important to students of the Bible. Readers will discover how each part of the Bible fits into and informs every other part, giving them a cohesive understanding of God’s Word.
Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary (BIBD)
Regular Price: $44.99 | Sale Price $33.74 | Buy Now
This comprehensive dictionary intends to help people read the Bible with increased understanding and confidence. It contains articles on major topics as well as places and people, even if they just appear in a single verse in the Bible. Its articles cover theological topics, biblical words, biblical imagery, and historical topics.
Baker Illustrated Bible Commentary (BIBC)
Regular Price: $44.99 | Sale Price $33.74 | Buy Now
As more and more Christians are involved in teaching in their churches, there is a need for an accessible, engaging commentary that can enhance their understanding of Scripture and aid their teaching. The Baker Illustrated Bible Commentary is that resource. This nontechnical, section-by-section commentary on the whole Bible provides reliable and readable interpretations of the Scriptures from forty-two leading evangelical scholars.