Prices in this sale valid through 11:59 PM (Eastern) 7-22-24.

Popular Patristics Series (Release 1) (5 Volumes)

Regular Price: $99.90 | Sale Price $59.90 | Buy Now

The series includes classics of Christian literature, thematic volumes, homily collections, letters, spiritual guidance, and poetical works from a wide variety of geographical contexts and historical backgrounds. Patristic authors include St Athanasius, St Gregory the Great, St Basil, St Gregory of Nazianzus, Tertullian, and many, many more!

Ancient Faith Life & Thought Bundle (5 Works)

Regular Price: $89.99 | Sale Price $49.90 | Buy Now

This collection of 5 popular works by Ancient Faith Publishing will introduce you to the devotional life and thought of Eastern Orthodoxy.

Desert Fathers

Regular Price: $39.90 | Sale Price $19.90 | Buy Now

This product contains the Greek Desert Fathers (also known as the APOPHTHEGMATA PATRUM). The Greek text is based on the 1864 Migne edition in Patrologiae Graecae (vol 65). The Greek text was morphologically tagged by Dr. Rex Koivisto of Multnomah University.

Patristic Greek Reader

Regular Price: $34.00 | Sale Price $25.50 | Buy Now

The heart of this book is a selection of Greek texts from early Christian writers, accompanied by notes so that a person with one year of Greek can read the texts. Basic translations of the texts are also provided so that readers can check their work.

Reader’s Lexicon of the Apostolic Fathers

Regular Price: $34.90 | Sale Price $19.90 | Buy Now

The apostolic fathers (late first century to mid second century) are early and important links to apostolic Christianity, although there is vigorous debate regarding their connection with the normative teachings of the primitive church.

In Search of Ancient Roots (Stewart)

Regular Price: $27.90 | Sale Price $13.90 | Buy Now

In Search of Ancient Roots shows that evangelicals need not view their tradition as impoverished or lacking deep roots in the tradition. Christian antiquity is the heritage of all orthodox Christians, and evangelicals have the resources in their history to claim their place at the ecumenical table.

Language for God in Patristic Tradition

Regular Price: $27.90 | Sale Price $14.90 | Buy Now

Criticism of myth in the Bible is not a modern problem. Its roots go back to the earliest Christian theologians, and before them, to ancient Greek and Jewish thinkers. The dilemma posed by texts that ascribe human characteristics and emotions to the divine is a perennial problem, and we have much to learn from the ancient attempts to address it.

Apostolic Fathers add-on

Regular Price: $109 | Sale Price $49.90 | Buy Now

The Apostolic Fathers is an important collection of writings revered by early Christians but not included in the final canon of the New Testament. This add-on includes two different versions of the tagged Greek Apostolic Fathers as well as corresponding English translations that are formatted to run in parallel with the Greek.

Schaff’s Church Fathers and Church History Bundle

Regular Price: $129 | Sale Price $59.90 | Buy Now

This bundle includes all 37 volumes of the Church Fathers, including the works of the Apostolic Fathers, Tertullian, Origen, Augustine, Chrysostom, Eusebius, Athanasius, Jerome, Ambrose, and the seven Ecumenical Councils. With Accordance, you can search this massive collection of texts by title, English content, Scripture references, or transliteration, or even the Greek and Hebrew in the footnotes. This ability to narrow your search enables you to search this massive body of literature without having to wade through hundreds of unwanted search hits.

Eastern Christianity: A Reader

Regular Price: $51.90 | Sale Price $24.90 | Buy Now

English translations of Syriac, Armenian, Georgian, Arabic, Coptic, and Ethiopic Christian texts from late antiquity to the early modern period 

Origen of Alexandria, Selected Works (Tagged Greek, English, Notes)

Regular Price: $69.90 | Sale Price $34.95 | Buy Now

An important early Christian thinker and theologian, Origen had a profound effect on later Christian theology and apologetics. This product contains the grammatically tagged Greek text of On the First Principles and the first three books of Against Celsus. It is formatted to run in parallel with the English translation which is included with the purchase of this module. The Notes file is also included.

Hippolytus of Rome, Selected Works (Tagged Greek, English, Notes)

Regular Price: $49.90 | Sale Price $19.90 | Buy Now


  • Fragments on the Interpretation of Daniel
  • On Christ and Antichrist
  • Against the Jews
  • Against Plato on the Cause of the Universe
  • Against Noetus

Light from the Christian East (Payton)

Regular Price: $19.99 | Sale Price $11.99 | Buy Now

To many people, the Orthodox Christian tradition (or Eastern Orthodoxy) seems unfamiliar and mysterious. Yet this tradition is arguably the most faithful representative of early Christianity in existence today and numbers roughly 250 million adherents worldwide. What’s more, a steady stream of evangelical Christians has been entering the Orthodox Church in recent decades. Isn’t it time we gained a deeper understanding of Orthodoxy?

Rabbinics Bundle (Release 3)

Regular Price: $739 | Sale Price $499 | Buy Now

This package of Rabbinics study material can be added to any Accordance Collection.  It contains all the Mishnaic, Talmudic, and Tannaitic modules currently available in Accordance.  This package price represents a substantial discount over purchasing individual modules.

The Torah: A Modern Commentary

Regular Price: $59.90 | Sale Price $35.90 | Buy Now

This volume features updated commentary and translations, including a gender-sensitive version of the JPS translation (Exodus through Deuteronomy), with largely gender-neutral God language and a completely fresh translation of Genesis by the late Rabbi Chaim Stern. In addition, the volume is reorganized by parashah and includes a helpful index and aliyot markers, improving upon the 1981 original.

JPS Commentary Set (12 Volumes)

Regular Price: $399 | Sale Price $239 | Buy Now

The Jewish Publication Society’s highly acclaimed Bible Commentary series provides a line-by-line commentary of the original Hebrew Bible text, complete with vocalization and cantillation marks.

JPS Torah Commentary (5 volumes)

Regular Price: $199 | Sale Price $119.40 | Buy Now

Written by four outstanding Torah scholars, the JPS Torah Commentary represents a fusion of the best of the old and new. Utilizing the latest research to enhance our understanding of the biblical text, it takes its place as one of the most authoritative yet accessible Bible commentaries of our day.

JPS Bible Commentary: Jonah

Regular Price: $39.90 | Sale Price $23.94 | Buy Now

Based on the same format and design as the Torah volumes, Jonah provides a critical line-by-line commentary of the biblical text, which is presented in its original Hebrew, complete with vocalization and cantillation marks. It includes a scholarly introduction, extensive bibliographic and critical notes, and other explanatory material.

JPS Bible Commentary: Haftarot

Regular Price: $39.90 | Sale Price $23.94 | Buy Now

The haftarot are an ancient part of Hebrew liturgy. These supplemental readings are excerpted from the Prophets (Nevi’im) and accompany each weekly Sabbath reading from the Torah as well as readings for special Sabbaths and festivals.

JPS Commentary on the Haggadah

Regular Price: $39.90 | Sale Price $23.94 | Buy Now

The Passover haggadah enjoys an unrivaled place in Jewish culture, both religious and secular. And of all the classic Jewish books, the haggadah is the one most “alive” today. Jews continue to rewrite, revise, and add to its text, recasting it so that it remains relevant to their lives.

JPS Bible Commentary: The Megillot (4 Volumes) (The Song of Songs, Ruth, Ecclesiastes, Esther)

Regular Price: $169 | Sale Price $99.90 | Buy Now

The Jewish Publication Society’s highly acclaimed Bible Commentary series provides a line-by-line commentary of the original Hebrew Bible text, complete with vocalization and cantillation marks.

Commentators’ Bible, The (Set of 5 Volumes)

Regular Price: $289 | Sale Price $176 | Buy Now

Five volumes of the acclaimed English edition of Miqra’ot Gedolot; translated and annotated by Michael Carasik. Now, for the first time, Miqra’ot Gedolot is available in an accessible English edition.

Outside the Bible (3 Volumes)

Regular Price: $249 | Sale Price $149 | Buy Now

The Hebrew Bible is only part of ancient Israel’s writings. Another collection of Jewish works has survived from late- and post-biblical times, a great library that bears witness to the rich spiritual life of Jews in that period. This library consists of the most varied sorts of texts: apocalyptic visions and prophecies, folktales and legends, collections of wise sayings, laws and rules of conduct, commentaries on Scripture, ancient prayers, and much, much more.

A Scripture Index to Rabbinic Literature (Friedeman)

Regular Price: $49.90 | Sale Price $29.90 | Buy Now

A Scripture Index to Rabbinic Literature is a comprehensive Scripture index that catalogs approximately 90,000 references to the Bible found in classical rabbinic literature. This literature comprises two categories: (1) Talmudic literature (i.e., the Mishnah and related works) and (2) midrashic literature (i.e., biblical commentary).

Early Jewish Literature: An Anthology (Embry et al.)

Regular Price: $82.99 | Sale Price $41.45 | Buy Now

Early Jewish Literature: An Anthology offers more than seventy selections from Second Temple-era Jewish literature, each introduced and translated by a leading scholar in the field. Organized by genre, this two-volume anthology presents both complete works and substantial excerpts of longer works, giving readers a solid introduction to the major works of the era—the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, the writings of Josephus and Philo of Alexandria, and the Septuagint (Apocrypha).

Jewish Annotated New Testament (2nd Edition) (2017)

Regular Price: $34.90 | Sale Price $15.70 | Buy Now

First published in 2011, The Jewish Annotated New Testament was a groundbreaking work, bringing the New Testament’s Jewish background to the attention of students, clergy, and general readers. In this new edition, eighty Jewish scholars bring together unparalleled scholarship to shed new light on the text. This thoroughly revised and greatly expanded second edition brings even more helpful information and new insights to the study of the New Testament.

Jewish Study Bible Notes (2nd Edition)

Regular Price: $34.90 | Sale Price $15.70 | Buy Now

First published in 2004, The Jewish Study Bible is a landmark, one-volume resource tailored especially for the needs of students of the Hebrew Bible. It has won acclaim from readers in all religious traditions.

Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture – New Testament (17 Volumes)

Regular Price: $424.95 | Sale Price $255 | Buy Now

The Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture (CCSS) responds to the desire of Catholics to study the Bible in depth and in a way that integrates Scripture with Catholic doctrine, worship, and daily life.

Berit Olam (15 Volumes)

Regular Price: $329 | Sale Price $199 | Buy Now

As they have for centuries, people still turn to the Hebrew Bible to hear afresh the life-giving words of God’s everlasting covenant. Berit Olam (“The Everlasting Covenant”): Studies in Hebrew Narrative & Poetry brings to all interested in the Bible, be they lay people, professional biblical scholars, students, or religious educators, the latest developments in the literary analysis of these ancient texts.

Sacra Pagina New Testament Commentary Series (18 Volumes)

Regular Price: $349 | Sale Price $199 | Buy Now

The expression “Sacra Pagina” (“Sacred Page”) originally referred to the text of Scripture. In the Middle Ages it also described the study of Scripture to which the interpreter brought the tools of grammar, rhetoric, dialectic, and philosophy.

Catholic Study Bible Notes (3rd Edition)

Regular Price: $34.90 | Sale Price $19.90 | Buy Now

This landmark resource, the first fully based on the authoritative NABRE translation, contains the trustworthy study notes, expanded essays, and informational sidebars which have guided and informed students and general readers for 25 years. In this new edition, one-third of the Reading Guide materials are new, and all of the other Guides have been reviewed and revised by their original authors.

Catholic Studies Add-on Bundle (Feb. 2020)

Regular Price: $119 | Sale Price $49.90 | Buy Now

This bundle offers a comprehensive package for the study of the Bible and of Catholic teachings.  It contains a substantial collection of Bibles, Catholic documents, and study tools.

Reformed Expository Commentary (27 vols.)

Regular Price: $469 | Sale Price $149 | Buy Now

All the books in the Reformed Expository Commentary series are accessible to both pastors and lay readers. Each volume in the series provides exposition that gives careful attention to the biblical text, is doctrinally Reformed, focuses on Christ through the lens of redemptive history, and applies the Bible to our contemporary setting.

Reformation Commentary on Scripture (21 Volumes)

Regular Price: $759 | Sale Price $299 | Buy Now

With the Reformation Commentary on Scripture you have centralized access to treasures that very few can gather for themselves. The series introduces you to the great diversity that constituted the Reformation, with commentary from Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican, Anabaptist and even reform-minded Catholic thinkers, who all shared a commitment to the faithful exposition of Scripture.

Theology of the Reformers (Revised Ed.) (George)

Regular Price: $29.90 | Sale Price $17.90 | Buy Now

First released in 1988, this 25th Anniversary Edition of Timothy George’s Theology of the Reformers includes a new chapter and bibliography on William Tyndale, the reformer who courageously stood at the headwaters of the English Reformation. Also included are expanded opening and concluding chapters and updated bibliographies on each reformer.

Reformation and the Irrepressible Word of God

Regular Price: $26.90 | Sale Price $14.90 | Buy Now

According to Scripture, the Word of God is “living and active” (Heb 4:12). That affirmation was embraced by the Protestant Reformers, whose understanding of the Christian faith and the church was transformed by their encounter with Scripture.

People’s Book

Regular Price: $22.90 | Sale Price $13.90 | Buy Now

Five hundred years ago, Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses caught Europe by storm and initiated the Reformation, which fundamentally transformed both the church and society. Yet by Luther’s own estimation, his translation of the Bible into German was his crowning achievement.

Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible Notes

Regular Price: $39.90 | Sale Price $13.90 | Buy Now

A Study Bible to Feed Your Soul . . .

  • Thoughts for personal and family devotions for every chapter
  • Three dozen articles on how to live the Christian life
  • Guidance on how to experience the truths of the Bible

Doing Theology with the Reformers (Bray)

Regular Price: $19.99 | Sale Price $11.99 | Buy Now

The Reformation was a time of tremendous upheaval, renewal, and vitality in the life of the church. The challenge to maintain and develop faithful Christian belief and practice in the midst of great disruption was reflected in the theology of the sixteenth century.