Sale Prices Valid Through 11:59 PM (Eastern) 1/20/25.

Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries: Old Testament, Apocrypha, and New Testament (90 volumes)
Regular Price: $1,999 | Sale Price $999 | Buy Now
The Anchor Yale Bible is a project of international and interfaith scope in which Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish scholars from many countries contribute individual volumes. The project is not sponsored by any ecclesiastical organization and is not intended to reflect any particular theological doctrine.
Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries: Old Testament and Apocrypha (63 volumes)
Regular Price: $1,499 | Sale Price $749 | Buy Now
The Anchor Yale Bible is a project of international and interfaith scope in which Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish scholars from many countries contribute individual volumes. The project is not sponsored by any ecclesiastical organization and is not intended to reflect any particular theological doctrine.
Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries: New Testament (27 volumes)
Regular Price: $799 | Sale Price $399 | Buy Now
The Anchor Yale Bible is a project of international and interfaith scope in which Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish scholars from many countries contribute individual volumes. The project is not sponsored by any ecclesiastical organization and is not intended to reflect any particular theological doctrine.
Introduction to the New Testament, An (Brown)
Regular Price: $74.90 | Sale Price $37.45 | Buy Now
Every generation needs a comprehensive, reliable introduction to the New Testament that opens the biblical text to the novice. Raymond E. Brown’s An Introduction to the New Testament is the most trustworthy and authoritative guidebook for a generation seeking to understand the Christian Bible.
Introduction to the New Testament, An (Abridged Edition) (Brown)
Regular Price: $34.90 | Sale Price $17.45 | Buy Now
Abridged by Marion Soards, who worked with Brown on the original text, this new, concise version maintains the essence and centrist interpretation of the original without tampering with Brown’s perspective, insights, or conclusions.
Introduction to the Gospel of John, An (Brown)
Regular Price: $44.90 | Sale Price $22.45 | Buy Now
An Introduction to the Gospel of John represents the culmination of Brown’s long and intense examination of part of the New Testament. One of the most important aspects of this new book, particularly to the scholarly community, is how it differs from the original commentary in several important ways.
Archaeology of the Land of the Bible (3 Volumes)
Regular Price: $129 | Sale Price $64.45 | Buy Now
Imagine seeing artwork, buildings, towers, roads, chariots, ships, and more from the time of Abraham and Sarah, Joseph, Moses, David and Bathsheba, Solomon, Mary and Joseph, Jesus, the Apostles, and the first millennium that followed. Imagine learning the fascinating stories of many of the most interesting and sometimes startling items unearthed in recent years.
Ancient Christian Martyrdom (Moss)
Regular Price: $49.90 | Sale Price $24.95 | Buy Now
Beginning with an overview of ancient Greek, Roman, and Jewish ideas about death, Moss demonstrates that there were many cultural contexts within which early Christian views of martyrdom were very much at home. She then shows how distinctive and diverging theologies of martyrdom emerged in different ancient congregations. In the process she reexamines the authenticity of early Christian stories about martyrs and calls into question the dominant scholarly narrative about the spread of martyrdom in the ancient world.
Old Testament Pseudepigrapha (2 volumes) (Charlesworth)
Regular Price: $119 | Sale Price $59.50 | Buy Now
The writers of the Bible depended on other sources for much of their work. Some of these sources may be lost forever, but many have recently come to light. Known as the pseudepigrapha, they are made available here in two volumes.
NICOT-30R9/NICNT-20 Bundle (50 volumes)
Regular Price: $1,799 | Sale Price $809.50 | Buy Now
Scholars, pastors, and serious Bible students will welcome the fresh light that this commentary series casts on ancient yet familiar biblical texts. The contributors apply their proven scholarly expertise and wide experience as teachers to illumine our understanding of the Old Testament. As gifted writers, they present the results of the best recent research in an interesting manner.
New International Commentary on the Old Testament (30 volumes, 9 revised)
Regular Price: $1,349 | Sale Price $634.50 | Buy Now
Scholars, pastors, and serious Bible students will welcome the fresh light that this commentary series casts on ancient yet familiar biblical texts. The contributors apply their proven scholarly expertise and wide experience as teachers to illumine our understanding of the Old Testament. As gifted writers, they present the results of the best recent research in an interesting manner.
New International Commentary on the New Testament (20 volumes) (January 2021)
Regular Price: $899 | Sale Price $429 | Buy Now
This highly acclaimed and immensely popular commentary series consists of 20 volumes covering all the books of the New Testament. The series seeks “to provide earnest students of the New Testament with an exposition that is thorough and abreast of modern scholarship and at the same time loyal to the Scriptures as the infallible Word of God.”
Two Horizons Commentary Bundle: OT/NT (22 Volumes)
Regular Price: $448 | Sale Price $199 | Buy Now
Theological reflection in the Two Horizons Commentary takes many forms, including locating each Old/New Testament book in relation to the whole of Scripture – asking what the biblical book contributes to biblical theology – and in conversation with constructive theology of today.
Two Horizons Old Testament Commentary (13 Volumes)
Regular Price: $249 | Sale Price $124 | Buy Now
Theological reflection in the Two Horizons Old Testament Commentary takes many forms, including locating each Old Testament book in relation to the whole of Scripture – asking what the biblical book contributes to biblical theology – and in conversation with constructive theology of today.
Two Horizons New Testament Commentary (9 Volumes)
Regular Price: $199 | Sale Price $99.90 | Buy Now
Theological reflection in the Two Horizons New Testament Commentary takes many forms, including locating each New Testament book in relation to the whole of Scripture — asking what the biblical book contributes to biblical theology — and in conversation with constructive theology of today.
New Intl. Greek Testament Commentary (13 Volumes)
Regular Price: $549 | Sale Price $149 | Buy Now
An important aim of the NIGTC authors is to interact with the wealth of significant New Testament research published in recent articles and monographs. In this connection the authors make their own scholarly contributions to the ongoing study of the biblical text.
International Theological Commentary: Old Testament (28 Volumes)
Regular Price: $399 | Sale Price $199 | Buy Now
International in both scope and authorship and theological in approach, Eerdmans’ International Theological Commentary moves beyond a descriptive-historical approach to offer a relevant exegesis of the Old Testament text as Holy Scripture. The series aims first, to develop the theological significance of the Old Testament, and second to emphasize the relevance of each book for the life of the church.
Forms of the Old Testament Literature, The (19 Volumes)
Regular Price: $599 | Sale Price $269 | Buy Now
The Forms of the Old Testament Literature (FOTL) is a series of volumes that seeks to present, according to a standard outline and methodology, a form-critical analysis of every book or unit of the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible). Fundamentally exegetical, each volume examines the structure, genre, setting, and intention of the biblical literature in question.
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, The (Fully Revised) (4 volumes)
Regular Price: $149 | Sale Price $49.90 | Buy Now
This set contains over 9,000 topics and 3,500 cross-references, including an article on every name of a person or place mentioned in the Bible. It also examines major Bible doctrines and gives opposing articles on controversial topics to ensure a rounded explanation and description. Hundreds of evangelical contributors from many fields of biblical research make this encyclopedia a well-rounded resource. The Dead Sea Scrolls, the Apocrypha and other extrabiblical resources are utilized and explained.
Encyclopedia of Christianity, The (5 Volumes)
Regular Price: $349 | Sale Price $174 | Buy Now
The Encyclopedia of Christianity is a monumental reference work that addresses the broad interest in Christianity and religion around the world today. Comprehensive, up to date, reflecting the highest standards in scholarship yet intended for a wide range of readers, the EC describes the Christian faith and community in their myriad forms today and throughout the 2,000 years of Christian history.
All the People in the Bible
Regular Price: $25.90 | Sale Price $14.90 | Buy Now
A comprehensive gathering of persons found in the Bible, including the Apocrypha, All the People in the Bible really delivers on its title: literally all of the Bible’s characters appear in this fascinating reference work. From the first article on Aaron to the final entry on Zophar, Richard Losch details each person in a lively narrative style.
Eerdmans Companion to the Bible, The
Regular Price: $39.90 | Sale Price $19.90 | Buy Now
Reflecting a broad evangelical perspective, The Eerdmans Companion to the Bible continues the publisher’s proud tradition of providing quality biblical resources for nearly a century.
Faith and Fossils (Grabbe)
Regular Price: $19.90 | Sale Price $11.94 | Buy Now
Many books have been written on the Bible and evolution by scientists, but this volume is written by a biblical specialist. In Faith and Fossils Lester Grabbe, a prominent Hebrew Bible scholar, examines the Bible in its ancient context and explores its meaning in light of emerging scientific evidence.
Eschatology (McDowell and Kirkland)
Regular Price: $24.90 | Sale Price $14.94 | Buy Now
This short textbook, the latest volume in the Guides to Theology series, surveys key themes and aspects of Christian hope by tracing eschatological ideas as they have developed from Scripture throughout the history of theology.
Sleuthing the Bible (Kaltner and McKenzie)
Regular Price: $17.90 | Sale Price $10.74 | Buy Now
Why is there crime-scene tape on my Bible? Elementary, my dear reader. There is an element of detective work to biblical scholarship that entails sniffing out and interpreting clues that often escape the notice of readers. John Kaltner and Steven L. McKenzie introduce the art of sleuthing the Bible, providing the necessary training to hunt for clues and piece them together to understand the larger picture.
Between the Beginning and the End (J. H. Bavinck)
Regular Price: $16.90 | Sale Price $10.14 | Buy Now
Twentieth-century Dutch missiologist and prolific author J. H. Bavinck was committed to confronting the world with the saving message of Christ. In this first English translation of the Dutch work published in 1946, Bavinck presents a cosmic kingdom vision and champions the coming of the kingdom of Christ as the basic message of the gospel.
The Violence of the Biblical God (Hawk)
Regular Price: $34.90 | Sale Price $20.94 | Buy Now
The Violence of the Biblical God by L. Daniel Hawk presents a new framework, solidly rooted in the authority of Scripture, for understanding the paradox of God’s participation in violence. Hawk shows how the historical narrative of the Bible offers multiple canonical pictures for faithful Christian engagement with the violent systems of the world.