Academic Bundle Blue – Level 3 (Accordance 13)

Prod ID: AB-Blue3_13
Retail: $1,150.10 / Accordance: $1,000.00

A specially priced bundle for schools that focuses on English, Greek, and Hebrew Bibles. Additional discounts are available to certain schools with special coupons and validation of student status (Academic Purchase Program).

This package includes the Accordance 13 Starter Collection, all the modules in Level 2, and adds the Greek and Hebrew syntax modules.

Included Modules

The following modules and groups are included when you purchase this package.

Category Code Title Price
Photo CollectionsPhotoGuide SamplerAccordance PhotoGuide SamplerN/A
Image Rich ToolsMaps SamplerAccordance Atlas SamplerN/A
Image Rich ToolsTimeline SamplerAccordance Timeline SamplerN/A
English BiblesCSB17SChristian Standard Bible (2017) with Strong’s Numbers19.90
English BiblesESVSEnglish Standard Version with Strong’s19.90
English BiblesASVAmerican Standard VersionN/A
English BiblesBBEBible in Basic EnglishN/A
English BiblesDOUAYDouay-Rheims BibleN/A
English BiblesKJVAKing James Version ApocryphaN/A
English BiblesKJVSKing James Version with Strong’sN/A
English BiblesWEBWorld English BibleN/A
English BiblesNAS95SNew American Standard 1995 with Strong’sN/A
English BiblesNASBNew American Standard Bible (1977)N/A
English BiblesNIV11-GKNIV New International Version 2011 with G/K numbers39.99
English BiblesNKJVSNew King James Version with Strong’s Numbers19.90
CommentariesIVP-NB CommentaryNew Bible Commentary39.90
CommentariesJFBJamieson, Fausset & Brown’s Commentary on the Whole BibleN/A
Notes & Cross-referencesTreasury EnhancedTreasury of Scripture KnowledgeN/A
Notes & Cross-referencesNAS NotesNASB (1977) Cross References and Translators’ NotesN/A
Notes & Cross-referencesNAS95S NotesNAS95S Cross References and Translators’ NotesN/A
DictionariesBHS Latin KeyBHS Latin Key9.90
DictionariesEastonEaston’s Bible DictionaryN/A
DictionariesNamesBible Names DictionaryN/A
DictionariesWebsterWebster’s 1913 Unabridged English Dictionary19.90
DictionariesNAS Topical IndexNAS Topical IndexN/A
General ToolsRead Me-ModulesRead Me Information on ModulesN/A
Biblical CollectionN/A
Biblical StudiesClassic PassagesClassic Bible PassagesN/A
Biblical StudiesDr. J's BSMDr. J’s Bible Study MethodsN/A
Biblical StudiesKeener-ContextThe Bible in Its Context (English and Spanish)N/A
Biblical StudiesNave'sNave’s Topical BibleN/A
Biblical StudiesOutlinesOutlines of the Bible BooksN/A
Biblical StudiesParables & MiraclesParables and MiraclesN/A
DevotionalsChronological ReadingsChronological ReadingsN/A
DevotionalsDevotional ReadingsDevotional ReadingsN/A
PracticalGetting StartedGetting Started with AccordanceN/A
ParallelsEpistlesEpistles Parallel (not for Mobile)N/A
ParallelsGospelsGospel Synopsis Parallel (not for Mobile)N/A
ParallelsHarmonyGospel Harmony Parallel (not for Mobile)N/A
ParallelsOT in NTOld Testament in New Testament Parallel (not for Mobile)N/A
ParallelsOld TestamentOld Testament Parallel (not for Mobile)N/A
ParallelsQ (Sayings)Q (Sayings) Parallel (not for Mobile)N/A
ParallelsSynopticsSynoptic Gospels Parallel (not for Mobile)N/A
Greek BiblesGNT-TRSGreek New Testament (Textus Receptus) with Strong's19.90
Greek BiblesGNT-DEMODemo of Greek NT (fully tagged Matthew 1-3)N/A
Greek BiblesGNT28-TGreek New Testament (tagged, based on NA28)59.90
Greek BiblesGNT28-T.syntaxGrammatical Syntax add-on to GNT28-T59.90
Greek BiblesLXX1Greek Septuagint (Rahlfs) revised and tagged89.90
Greek BiblesNA28-TNA28 Greek New Testament with Apparatus and tagging109.00
Greek LexiconsBDAGGreek-English Lexicon of the New Testament (BDAG) (3rd Edition)174
Greek LexiconsGreek Strong'sStrong's Greek DictionaryN/A
Greek LexiconsMounce Greek DictionaryMounce Concise Greek-English Dictionary of the New TestamentN/A
Greek LexiconsNAS GreekNAS Greek DictionaryN/A
Greek LexiconsThayerThayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament19.90
Greek GrammarsLXX GrammarGrammar of Septuagint GreekN/A
Greek ApparatusLXX ApparatusLXX Rahlfs’ Apparatus49.90
Greek ApparatusNA28 ApparatusNA28 Greek New Testament ApparatusN/A
Hebrew BiblesHMT-DEMODemo of Hebrew Bible (fully tagged Genesis 1-3)N/A
Hebrew BiblesMT-ETCBCBiblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia with ETCBC Morphology (Text)28.90
Hebrew BiblesMT-ETCBC-ABiblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia with ETCBC Morphology for Apparatus (Text)
Hebrew LexiconsBDBBrown-Driver-Briggs Abridged Hebrew Lexicon with Strong’s29.90
Hebrew LexiconsHebrew Strong'sStrong’s Hebrew DictionaryN/A
Hebrew LexiconsKM Hebrew DictionaryKohlenberger/Mounce Concise Hebrew-Aramaic DictionaryN/A
Hebrew LexiconsHALOTHebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament (HALOT) (5 volumes)159.00
Hebrew LexiconsNAS HebrewNAS Hebrew DictionaryN/A
Hebrew ApparatusMT-ETCBC-A ApparatusBiblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia with ETCBC Morphology (Apparatus)
Semitic Study ToolsHebrew Syntax GuideA Brief User’s Guide for the Accordance Hebrew Syntax Database (Holmstedt)N/A
International BiblesCUVS-TRADChinese Union Version with Strong’s Numbers, Traditional and Simplified19.90
International BiblesNKRVKorean Bible: New Korean Revised Version (with Notes)19.90
International BiblesALMEIDAPortuguese Bible: João Ferreira De Almeida AtualizadaN/A
International BiblesCEI2008Italian: Conferenza Episcopale Italiana 2008N/A
International BiblesCEI74Italian: Conferenza Episcopale Italiana 1974N/A
International BiblesELBER05German Elberfelder 1905N/A
International BiblesLSGFrench: Louis Segond BibleN/A
International BiblesLUTH12German Lutherbibel 1912N/A
International BiblesRVR09SSpanish 1909 Reina Valera with Strong’s numbersN/A
International BiblesVDC2014Romanian: Versiunea Dumitru Cornilescu 2014N/A
International BiblesLBLASpanish La Biblia de las AméricasN/A
International BiblesNBLHSpanish: Nueva Biblia Latinoamericana de HoyN/A
Accessory ModulesBiblical AramaicBiblical AramaicN/A
Accessory ModulesCSB17 NotesCSB17 NotesN/A
Accessory ModulesESV NotesESV NotesN/A
Accessory ModulesNKRV NotesNKRV NotesN/A
Accessory Modules13-AccAccordance Software Version 13N/A
Accessory ModulesASV NotesASV NotesN/A
Accessory ModulesBBE IntroBBE IntroN/A
Accessory ModulesCEI2008 NoteItalian: Conferenza Episcopale Italiana 2008 NoteN/A
Accessory ModulesCEI2008-2Italian: Conferenza Episcopale Italiana 2008 (Parallel)N/A
Accessory ModulesKeener-ContextoThe Bible in Its Context: How to Improve Your Study of the Scriptures (Spanish)N/A
Accessory ModulesVDC2014 NoteRomanian: Versiunea Dumitru Cornilescu 2014 NoteN/A
Accessory ModulesWEB NotesWEB NotesN/A
Accessory ModulesGNT NotesGNT28-T NotesN/A
Accessory ModulesLXX2 ApparatusLXX2 ApparatusN/A
Accessory ModulesLXX2LXX2N/A
Accessory ModulesLBLA NotesSpanish La Biblia de las Américas (Notas)N/A
Accessory ModulesNBLH NotesSpanish: Nueva Biblia de las Américas (Notas)N/A
Accessory ModulesNIV11 NotesNIV11 NotesN/A
Accessory ModulesNKJV NotesNKJV NotesN/A
Accessory ModulesMT-ETCBC.syntaxETCBC Syntax of the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Syntax)59.90
Uncategorized14-AccAccordance Software Version 14 Upgrade38



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