Triple Learner Collection

Prod ID: Coll13-TripleLearner
Retail: $1,900.00 / Accordance: $449.00

This Accordance Collection now includes version 14 of the Accordance application, with the following new features:

• Dynamic Word Study
• Custom Phrasing
• Easy Answers
• Quick-Click Navigation
• User Tool Commentaries and Dictionaries
• Unicode User Tools
• Improved Dark Mode Support

Use our Collection Comparison feature to compare this Collection’s contents to all Accordance Collections.

Upgrading from another Collection? Log into your account to calculate your special upgrade pricing.

This Collection is valued at over $1,900 based on the individual list prices of its contents. The “List Price” shown above, however, reflects the total price of the Collection contents if each title were purchased separately in Accordance.

  • A very affordable package for the biblical studies generalist or pastor on a budget, the Triple Learner Collection combines the English, Greek & Hebrew, and Graphics Learner levels. In essence, you pay for the English Learner Collection and the Greek & Hebrew Learner Collection and you get the Graphics Learner Collection for $1 (a $99 value!).This is a solid package deal for someone who intends to learn Greek and Hebrew at seminary or in a biblical studies program at a university.See the individual Learner Collection descriptions for this package’s contents.

*Content and Pricing Subject to Change.

Included Modules

The following modules and groups are included when you purchase this package.

Category Code Title Price
Graphic ResourcesAltitude dataAltitude dataN/A
Graphic ResourcesAtlas filesAtlas filesN/A
Graphic ResourcesBeigeBeige backgroundN/A
Graphic ResourcesBrownsBrowns backgroundN/A
Graphic ResourcesColorsColors backgroundN/A
Graphic ResourcesGraysGrays backgroundN/A
Graphic ResourcesGreenGreen backgroundN/A
Graphic ResourcesInfraredInfrared backgroundN/A
Graphic ResourcesLight BrownsLight Browns backgroundN/A
Graphic ResourcesLight ColorsLight Colors backgroundN/A
Graphic ResourcesNight VisionNight Vision backgroundN/A
Graphic ResourcesSatelliteSatellite backgroundN/A
Graphic ResourcesVivid ColorsVivid Colors backgroundN/A
Graphic ResourcesWhiteWhite backgroundN/A
Interactive ToolsAtlas 2.2Accordance Bible Atlas 2.2N/A
Interactive ToolsTimelineAccordance Timeline39.90
Photo CollectionsPhotoGuide SamplerAccordance PhotoGuide SamplerN/A
Photo CollectionsBP-Bivin ViewsHistoric Views of the Holy Land: Bible Places – Views That Have Vanished39.90
Photo CollectionsBible ArtAccordance Gallery of Bible Art19.90
Photo CollectionsPhotoGuide-OverviewAccordance Bible Lands PhotoGuide: Overview39.90
Image Rich ToolsMaps SamplerAccordance Atlas SamplerN/A
Image Rich ToolsTimeline SamplerAccordance Timeline SamplerN/A
Image Rich ToolsHolman ChartsHolman Book of Biblical Charts, Maps, & Reconstructions19.90
Image Rich ToolsIVP-NB AtlasNew Bible Atlas23.90
Image Rich ToolsSatellite AtlasSatellite Bible Atlas49.90
English BiblesDRBYDarby VersionN/A
English BiblesWEBSTRWebster Bible, TheN/A
English BiblesWEYMTHWeymouth New TestamentN/A
English BiblesYNGYoung’s Literal Translation of the Holy BibleN/A
English BiblesCEBCommon English Bible with Apocrypha and Notes14.90
English BiblesCEB2CEB2N/A
English BiblesERVHoly Bible:  Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)14.90
English BiblesGWORDGod’s Word Translation with Notes14.90
English BiblesNETNew English Translation Bible (2nd Edition) with Strong’s Numbers19.90
English BiblesESVSEnglish Standard Version with Strong’s19.90
English BiblesASVAmerican Standard VersionN/A
English BiblesBBEBible in Basic EnglishN/A
English BiblesDOUAYDouay-Rheims BibleN/A
English BiblesKJVAKing James Version ApocryphaN/A
English BiblesKJVSKing James Version with Strong’sN/A
English BiblesWEBWorld English BibleN/A
CommentariesDaily HomilyOur Daily Homily (Meyer)N/A
CommentariesGray-Workers' CommentaryChristian Workers’ Commentary on the OT and NT (James Gray)N/A
CommentariesWesley's NotesJohn Wesley’s Explanatory Notes of the Whole BibleN/A
CommentariesBE SeriesBE Series Commentary (50 Volumes) (Wiersbe)199.00
CommentariesBK CommentaryBible Knowledge Commentary (2 Volumes)19.90
CommentariesHenry CommentaryMatthew Henry Complete Commentary29.90
CommentariesIVP-NB CommentaryNew Bible Commentary39.90
CommentariesJFBJamieson, Fausset & Brown’s Commentary on the Whole BibleN/A
CommentariesVincent-Word StudiesVincent’s Word Studies in the New TestamentN/A
CommentariesWord PicturesWord Pictures in the New TestamentN/A
Notes & Cross-referencesKJV PrefacePreface to the King James Version of 1611N/A
Notes & Cross-referencesCEB NotesCEB NotesN/A
Notes & Cross-referencesCEB2 NotesCEB2 NotesN/A
Notes & Cross-referencesNET NotesNew English Translation NotesN/A
Notes & Cross-referencesTreasury EnhancedTreasury of Scripture KnowledgeN/A
DictionariesAmerican ChurchAmerican Church Dictionary and CyclopediaN/A
DictionariesChristian BiographyDictionary of Early Christian BiographyN/A
DictionariesHymn WritersHymn Writers of the ChurchN/A
DictionariesTopical TextbookNew Topical Textbook, TheN/A
DictionariesHolman DictionaryHolman Illustrated Bible Dictionary17.94
DictionariesHolman TreasuryHolman Treasury of Key Bible Words9.95
DictionariesPocket Apologetics DictIVP: Pocket Dictionary of Apologetics & Philosophy of Religion9.90
DictionariesPocket Biblical StudiesIVP: Pocket Dictionary of Biblical Studies9.90
DictionariesPocket Church HistoryIVP: Pocket Dictionary of Church History9.90
DictionariesPocket EthicsIVP: Pocket Dictionary of Ethics9.90
DictionariesPocket GreekIVP: Pocket Dictionary for the Study of NT Greek9.90
DictionariesPocket HebrewIVP: Pocket Dictionary for the Study of Biblical Hebrew9.90
DictionariesPocket Theological TermsIVP: Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms9.90
DictionariesRenn-Bible WordsExpository Dictionary of Bible Words29.90
DictionariesEastonEaston’s Bible DictionaryN/A
DictionariesNamesBible Names DictionaryN/A
DictionariesWebsterWebster’s 1913 Unabridged English Dictionary19.90
DictionariesPlace NamesDictionary of Place NamesN/A
DictionariesSitesListing of Atlas SitesN/A
General ToolsBen-HurBen-Hur: A Tale of the Christ9.90
General ToolsRead Me-ModulesRead Me Information on ModulesN/A
Biblical StudiesBeginning in MarkBeginning in Mark: An Example Accordance Bible StudyN/A
Biblical StudiesBird's Eye ViewBird’s Eye View of the Bible, A9.99
Biblical StudiesStudy of KJVGreatest English ClassicN/A
Biblical StudiesBullinger-FiguresFigures of Speech Used in the Bible: Explained and Illustrated (Bullinger)39.90
Biblical CollectionN/A
Biblical StudiesClassic PassagesClassic Bible PassagesN/A
Biblical StudiesDr. J's BSMDr. J’s Bible Study MethodsN/A
Biblical StudiesKeener-ContextThe Bible in Its Context (English and Spanish)N/A
Biblical StudiesNave'sNave’s Topical BibleN/A
Biblical StudiesOutlinesOutlines of the Bible BooksN/A
Biblical StudiesParables & MiraclesParables and MiraclesN/A
Preaching HelpsGray-Master the BibleHow to Master the English Bible (James Gray)N/A
Preaching HelpsQuotationsAssorted QuotationsN/A
Preaching HelpsFresh Illustrations-6Fresh Illustrations (6 Volumes) (Wilson)39.90
Preaching HelpsQuotations (Bartlett)Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations9.90
DevotionalsDaily LightDaily Light on the Daily PathN/A
DevotionalsFaith's CheckbookFaith’s CheckbookN/A
DevotionalsHavergal-Morning BellsMorning Bells (Frances Havergal)N/A
DevotionalsHymnsCollection of HymnsN/A
DevotionalsKneeling ChristianKneeling Christian, The (By An Unknown Christian)N/A
DevotionalsLeaves of LifeLeaves of LifeN/A
DevotionalsLittle Folded HandsLittle Folded HandsN/A
DevotionalsMacDonald-Old SoulDiary of an Old SoulN/A
DevotionalsMoody-Quiet HourD.L. Moody’s Thoughts for the Quiet HourN/A
DevotionalsMorning & EveningMorning and Evening (Charles Spurgeon)N/A
DevotionalsMurray-True VineTrue Vine (Andrew Murray)N/A
DevotionalsWattsPsalms and Hymns of Isaac WattsN/A
DevotionalsDaily GuidanceDaily Guidance: A Book of Daily Bible Readings (Martin Manser)9.90
DevotionalsDaily MeditationMy Daily Meditation For The Circling Year9.90
DevotionalsDaily StrengthDaily Strength for Daily Needs9.90
DevotionalsDays of HeavenDays of Heaven Upon Earth9.90
DevotionalsEG Day by DayExperiencing God Day by Day DevotionalN/A
DevotionalsFaithful PromiserFaithful Promiser, The9.90
DevotionalsWords of JesusWords of Jesus, TheN/A
DevotionalsChronological ReadingsChronological ReadingsN/A
DevotionalsDevotional ReadingsDevotional ReadingsN/A
HistoryAmerican HeritageAmerica’s Governmental and Cultural Heritage9.90
HistoryChurch HistorySketches of Church HistoryN/A
HistoryKnox & ReformationJohn Knox and the ReformationN/A
HistoryMüller-WorksLife and Select Works of George MüllerN/A
HistoryBible History OTBible History: Old Testament (Edersheim)9.99
TheologyCreedsCreeds, Confessions, and CatechismsN/A
TheologyHolliday-HandbookBible Handbook, Theologically Arranged (Holliday)19.90
WritingsBunyanSelect Works of John BunyanN/A
WritingsGordon-Quiet TalksQuiet Talks (S. D. Gordon)N/A
WritingsMoody-WorksSelected Works of D. L. MoodyN/A
WritingsSchool of CalvarySchool of Calvary, The (J. H. Jowett)N/A
WritingsScougalLife of God in the Soul of ManN/A
WritingsSecretChristian's Secret of a Happy LifeN/A
WritingsSpurgeon-CommentingCommenting and Commentaries9.99
WritingsTozer-PursuitPursuit of God, The (A. W. Tozer)N/A
WritingsEdersheim-Jewish NationHistory of the Jewish Nation after the Destruction of Jerusalem under Titus (Edersheim)9.99
WritingsEdersheim-ProphecyProphecy and History in Relation to the Messiah (Edersheim)9.99
WritingsLife & TimesLife and Times of Jesus the Messiah (Edersheim)9.99
WritingsSketchesSketches of Jewish Life (Edersheim)9.99
WritingsTempleTemple, The (Alfred Edersheim)9.99
WritingsExperiencing GodExperiencing God, 15th Anniversary Edition29.90
PracticalBible Study GuideGuide to Bible Study by J. W. McGarveyN/A
PracticalGetting StartedGetting Started with AccordanceN/A
ParallelsEpistlesEpistles Parallel (not for Mobile)N/A
ParallelsGospelsGospel Synopsis Parallel (not for Mobile)N/A
ParallelsHarmonyGospel Harmony Parallel (not for Mobile)N/A
ParallelsOT in NTOld Testament in New Testament Parallel (not for Mobile)N/A
ParallelsOld TestamentOld Testament Parallel (not for Mobile)N/A
ParallelsQ (Sayings)Q (Sayings) Parallel (not for Mobile)N/A
ParallelsSynopticsSynoptic Gospels Parallel (not for Mobile)N/A
Greek BiblesGNT-TRSGreek New Testament (Textus Receptus) with Strong's19.90
Greek BiblesGNT-DEMODemo of Greek NT (fully tagged Matthew 1-3)N/A
Greek BiblesGNT28-TGreek New Testament (tagged, based on NA28)59.90
Greek LexiconsGreek Strong'sStrong's Greek DictionaryN/A
Greek LexiconsMounce Greek DictionaryMounce Concise Greek-English Dictionary of the New TestamentN/A
Greek LexiconsTrench-SynonymsTrench’s Synonyms of the New TestamentN/A
Greek LexiconsThayerThayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament19.90
Greek GrammarsBurton GreekSyntax of the Moods and Tenses in New Testament Greek (Burton)N/A
Greek GrammarsRobertson GreekRobertson’s Greek GrammarN/A
Greek Study ToolsGreek ParsingParsing Guide to the Greek Text of the KJV9.99
Greek Study ToolsDeissmann-StudiesDeissmann’s Bible StudiesN/A
Hebrew BiblesHMT-DEMODemo of Hebrew Bible (fully tagged Genesis 1-3)N/A
Hebrew BiblesMT-ETCBCBiblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia with ETCBC Morphology (Text)28.90
Hebrew LexiconsHebrew Strong'sStrong’s Hebrew DictionaryN/A
Hebrew LexiconsKM Hebrew DictionaryKohlenberger/Mounce Concise Hebrew-Aramaic DictionaryN/A
Hebrew LexiconsBDBBrown-Driver-Briggs Abridged Hebrew Lexicon with Strong’s29.90
Semitic Study ToolsVerbs-HebrewWigram’s Hebrew Verb Parsings9.99
International BiblesCUVS-TRADChinese Union Version with Strong’s Numbers, Traditional and Simplified19.90
International BiblesNKRVKorean Bible: New Korean Revised Version (with Notes)19.90
International BiblesALMEIDAPortuguese Bible: João Ferreira De Almeida AtualizadaN/A
International BiblesCEI2008Italian: Conferenza Episcopale Italiana 2008N/A
International BiblesCEI74Italian: Conferenza Episcopale Italiana 1974N/A
International BiblesELBER05German Elberfelder 1905N/A
International BiblesLSGFrench: Louis Segond BibleN/A
International BiblesLUTH12German Lutherbibel 1912N/A
International BiblesRVR09SSpanish 1909 Reina Valera with Strong’s numbersN/A
International BiblesVDC2014Romanian: Versiunea Dumitru Cornilescu 2014N/A
Accessory ModulesWEBSTR IntroWEBSTR IntroN/A
Accessory ModulesERV NotesERV NotesN/A
Accessory ModulesGWORD DictionaryGod's Word Translation – DictionaryN/A
Accessory ModulesGWORD NotesGWORD NotesN/A
Accessory ModulesESV NotesESV NotesN/A
Accessory ModulesNKRV NotesNKRV NotesN/A
Accessory Modules13-AccAccordance Software Version 13N/A
Accessory ModulesASV NotesASV NotesN/A
Accessory ModulesBBE IntroBBE IntroN/A
Accessory ModulesCEI2008 NoteItalian: Conferenza Episcopale Italiana 2008 NoteN/A
Accessory ModulesCEI2008-2Italian: Conferenza Episcopale Italiana 2008 (Parallel)N/A
Accessory ModulesKeener-ContextoThe Bible in Its Context: How to Improve Your Study of the Scriptures (Spanish)N/A
Accessory ModulesVDC2014 NoteRomanian: Versiunea Dumitru Cornilescu 2014 NoteN/A
Accessory ModulesWEB NotesWEB NotesN/A
Accessory ModulesBiblical AramaicBiblical AramaicN/A
Accessory ModulesGNT NotesGNT28-T NotesN/A
Uncategorized14-AccAccordance Software Version 14 Upgrade38

Where to Find

Triple Learner Collection is included with the following packages

Category Code Title Price
Primary BundlesSPP-OzCC2020SPP for Ozark Christian College 2020N/A
UncategorizedAdventist-Bundle-1Adventist Bundle Level 1568.69
UncategorizedAdventist-Bundle-2Adventist Bundle Level 21337.79


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